5. An unexpected mistake

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(Yoonbum's POV)

Yoonbum got home and did a quick mental cheer in his head. He couldn't wait to see Y/N again. He laid in bed, his thoughts of them constantly racing through his mind. He was quite an anxious person, though. His mind thought about all the worst case scenarios.

"What if they hate me...? What if I screwed up earlier today and they don't like me anymore...?" He said quietly to no one, his voice shaking slightly as he said that. He couldn't help but feel insecure, and worried about what would happen next.

But he was able to get their number, so at least it didn't fail miserably.

Yoonbum rolled onto the other side of his bed and held his phone in his hands, the screen facing up towards the ceiling that was above him. He kept a nervous but excited look on his face as he waited for Y/N to send a text message or a call.

He waited and waited...

Yoonbum was losing it. Why wasn't Y/N texting him? It had been quite a while since they had parted ways, yet they hadn't texted him yet. 

The questions that were filling his mind were never ending.

Until suddenly his phone made a ding noise.

Yoonbum perked up in bed and looked at his phone once again. His face was filled with excitement as he looked at the notification. He quickly tapped on the screen once to see the message.

"Hey! Its me from earlier" he read.

Yoonbum couldn't help but have the biggest smile on his face as he read the text message. He got up from his bed and stood in his room, ready to text them back.

"...This is the start of something amazing...." He mumbled, smiling widely as he texted them back.

"Hey, do you want to meet up again someday soon?" They asked through a text.

Yoonbum's eyes widened and a bright smile came across his face. He was over the moon! Of course he wanted to see them soon. He wanted to see them as soon as he possibly could.

"...Yes, please! When can we meet up?" He texted them back, the smile on his face growing ever so bigger.

"how about next weekend?" they texted him as well.

"...Perfect!" he replied quickly, still quite nervous. His thumbs pressed the letters on his phone, as he couldn't wait to see them again. His excitement for the upcoming weekend was a lot. Despite that, he still felt nervous and anxious for the date to happen. He didn't want to screw anything up this time. He didn't want them to leave like everyone else he's ever met.



The upcoming week, Bum tried not to constantly think about the upcoming weekend. He had somehow managed to get a small job at a little library, so he was working there for now.

Every free moment that he had, his mind kept floating to Y/N and the date that was going to happen during the upcoming weekend. He couldn't stop thinking about it. He was nervous, excited, and overall anxious for the day to come. He wanted it to work out with them. He didn't want to lose them like he had lost so many others in the past. He didn't think he could handle it if they left too, as he felt a deep bond with them...

Even if they weren't dating at the moment...

He placed each book onto the bookshelf, sighing as suddenly someone walks behind him.

He quickly turned around with a quick response to whoever the person was.

"...Yes?" He said nervously.

It was a young woman, with red stained lips, and a... rather...large...bust.

Yoonbum quickly looked up from the bookshelf he was placing the book on. He didn't recognize the woman at all. He was wondering what she might want from him. His thoughts were everywhere as soon as he saw her face. He felt like he was at a loss for words. His eyes trailed down from the woman's face and down to her chest region.

He felt his eyes widen and a bit of pink color appeared on his cheeks.

"...U-uh...?" He mumbled.

Yoonbum looked up at the woman once again, then the rest of the expression on his face quickly vanished. He felt his face fill with embarrassment once again. He felt his cheeks start to flush a deep pink color and he quickly averted his gaze from the woman.

"...Oh, uh..." He mumbled quietly.

"You're Yoonbum aren't you?~" She lustfully tucked her dark hair behind her ear.

Yoonbum didn't reply to the woman's question. He still had his eyes down at the ground. However, he did notice her tucking her hair behind her ear. It made him uncomfortable to see the woman so close to him while he was at work.

"...Y-yes...?" He said quietly. He was still not looking up at the woman, his eyes still glued to the floor beneath him.

Yoonbum stayed quiet for a moment, as he was thinking hard about the woman's question. After a few seconds he realized who she was and looked back up at her. The pink color on his cheeks never faded.

"...Yes... I do..." He answered quietly.

Yoonbum felt hatred in his heart towards the woman in front of him. He didn't want to think of her at the moment, he wanted to think of Y/N instead. He wanted to see them once again. "...A-anyway..." He said quietly, turning away from the woman. As he spoke he quickly turned around and grabbed the bookshelf, ready to roll it away from her. "...I need to finish my shift..." He added, trying to sound like he wasn't bothered by her presence.

"Ohhh come on! Don't you want to go and get coffee with me or something? We could hang out together, just like the old days!" She was very persistent.

Yoonbum stayed silent for a moment, and thought about it. He wanted to say no at first, since going out with the woman in front of him would be a bit awkward. His first instinct was to say no, but after a moment of hesitation, he came to a decision.

He turned around to face the woman with a nervous expression on his face.

"...Fine... we could hang out for a bit." He said quietly.

But little did he know, that he would come to regret this decision for the rest of his days. 

The yellow azaleas already are beginning to wilt.

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