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As the team enters the third level of the dream, Robert's, they are transported to a snow-covered mountain. Cobb and Ariadne are inside the main room of a fort, which is heavily guarded from the outside. Cobb is confused as to why they were granted access into a protected area of his mind, but carries on with the mission anyway. Robert and Saito land outside the fort, and must devise a way to get in. Meanwhile, in the first dream, Yusuf gets trapped on an elevated bridge with a car full of projections chasing him. As the projections start shooting on the van, Yusuf fears that they might not make it. He starts playing music through Arthur's headphones to warn him of the incoming kick, and goes on to drive the van backwards off the bridge. The impact transcends into the other dream layers, the force causing Arthur to drift across the hallway in the second and triggering an avalanche in the third. As the van goes on free fall, it causes a loss of gravity in Arthur's dream. Cobb, upon hearing the music, realizes they don't have ample time, and must move on with things quickly. He demands to know if there's a quicker route into the fort, and Ariadne acquiesced to his demand and tells him of a secret entrance that Robert and Saito might be able access. He then asks Ariadne to give them cover from a higher ground, whilst he set some charges. Meanwhile, in the second layer, Arthur has to put together a plan, since due to the loss of gravity they won't feel a kick. He ties them up using phone wires and brings them into an elevator. He places explosives on the system, timing it down to the second kick in the first layer, with the intention of using the force to create gravity and instigate a kick. As they are successful in getting in, Ariadne comes back, looking for Cobb, just to be stunned to see Mal there with him. Cobb had remembered what transpired inside his memories of Mal, and his sense of reality shattered. Mal urges him to go another layer under, so that they can be together forever, in what is according to her is the 'true reality'. Ariadne tries to stop him, but her efforts were in vain as he was already gone. Meanwhile, Robert and Saito reach the main room, and the later shoots Mal. Robert is puzzled seeing all this, but Ariadne convinces him that it's all just a figment of his imagination and he must go inside the vault to understand the 'truth'. In the meantime, the guards reach the main room, and start firing at them. Saito understands that there's no way out, and regrets how his self-interest has put others' life in jeopardy, and makes an attempt to rectify his wrongdoing. He strangles one of the guards from behind, picks up his hand grenade, and throws it at the projections, although killing himself in the process, but it buys the others some time. Robert sees his father inside, muttering his final words, "I was disappointed..." Robert acknowledges that his father was disappointed since he couldn't be the same man like his father, to which his father replies, "No... no. I was disappointed that you tried." Maurice, then points to a safe, indicating him to open it. Robert turns and asks Ariadne what the code is, to which she replies, is something only he would know. Robert thinks for a second, and enters 04101989, the date of his mother's passing. The safe unlocks where he finds the will, and a picture of him and his parents together. Tearfully, he looks up to his father but he had already passed away. He breaks down realizing how his mother's death broke his father from the inside, but even then, he always loved him in his own way. Meanwhile, the van has hit the water, the elevator is going down, and the explosives have gone off, whilst Ariadne hooks herself to the PASIV device in a last-ditch effort to rescue all those who were lost in the Limbo.

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