Chapter- 15

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"Maybe really spicy"

Jisuk spoke with a suggestive face.

Yahir who was sitting at the side listening to them had his mouth hung open.

"Who do you think is the top?'

Subin asked.

"Of course it's Kayden since Yahir looks more bottom type"

"Don't judge so quickly, what if Yahir turns out to be the top"

"Nah, didn't you see how Yahir blushed when Kayden was holding him and all those princess carries. He's definitely bottom."

Jisul spoke with confidence.

Jiwoo tried to stop them but they both just continued their discussion about Yahir and Kayden's sexual life. 

Yahir was about to burst from all the shame. He was red even in his eagle form.

"These suggestions are pretty good. We should try them sometimes."

Kayden who was awake at one point whispered close to Yahir's ear making the said eagle yelp.

"Y-You, Shut up!!!"

Yahir spoke through gritted teeth as he flew away saving himself from the humiliation.

'Who the hell taught kids these things'

He cursed in his mind.

He just went to Jiwoo's room. The rest of the time he refused to interact with anyone, pretending to be asleep.

At night he joined Jiwoo for a night run, flying along with him. In between he sensed some weird energy near them. He decided to go check on it.

"Jiwoo, dear go ahead. I have something I want to check on."

Yahir said flying away from Jiwoo to the other side of the beach which was a little far from there.

There stood the male professor from WAA and Amyeong (Dark). Yahir didn't think he would see him here of all places.

Dark was fighting with the male professor revealing how he was going to kill Jiwoo sneakily. Hearing this Yahir got angry.

'How dare he touch my kid'

He flared.

Yahir was not a fan of violence or torture but seeing how the man attempted to take Jiwoo's life he is itching to beat him to pulp.

After dark went away beating the professor Yahir transformed into a human and went to the man who was beaten up laying on the floor. He had a cold smile on his face as proceeded with his plan to make sure the man won't think of hurting Jiwoo or any other child.

The next day the body of the male professor was found on the beach by the cleaners. According to them he was laying naked on the beach intoxicated with alcohol as he muttered ho he's going to kill the students who refused their offers. 

He was holding a knife on his hand. The workers reported this to the principal. Soon the news spread out like a wildfire throughout the whole Academy. 

Some students even saw him shamelessly twirking around refusing to leave unless he taught those kids a lesson when the workers refused to listen.

He didn't move until the female professor from the WAA forced him to leave. Even WAA students were stunned when they saw the situation of their professor. 

"I wonder who did this?"

Kartien muttered sitting next to Kayden. Yahir was sound asleep unaware of the chaos he created. 

"I'll kill Kayden if he dared to yell on Jiwoo"

Yahir muttered in his sleep. While Kayden felt a chill out of nowhere. 

The time for Jiwoo to return back home from the academy has come. They all boarded the vehicles starting the ride back home.

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