"There's my vowel!" The boy nudges my shoulder and I blush, staring back at my feet. No body talks to me, what is he doing. He's the new kid, does he wasn't too destroy his reputation before it's begun?

We're outside the school gates now, I continue walking in the direction of my house, starting to fish in my pocket for my headphones, when the boy jogs along side me to keep up.

"Hey, wait up. I'll walk you home." He touches my shoulder and I stop dead.

"What?" It might sound rude, ungrateful of the offer even, but honestly. What is going on in this kids head. Head rises up me when I watch him, quirk an eyebrow I think. It's a bit fuzzy...

"I said I'll walk you home. I know I live right by you. I've seen you out and about before." He starts off walking again, a bit too confident for someone talking to me like I'm not a pathetic waste of space. But I catch him up and we duck down a side path very few other people take.

The path goes a short way down the side of a field towards the park I used to play in as a young boy. But before it reaches swings and slides and picnic benches, there's a stretch concealed by thick trees.

And its there that everything I thought I knew, about anything, was taken from me. And it was good.

Until it wasn't...


So I really want to have a competition to do with this. I have the idea that I'd like to have anyone interested get involved.
To enter, all you have to do is write a couple of little paragraphs or so about one of the other pairings in this story, and send the little scene to me on Instagram or by email or something. It can be from any POV. It also doesn't have to be right away in the story, it can be a bit later or something, if I chose yours as a winner I'll make the scenario work.
If your piece is chosen it will be included in a suitable chapter, and credit will be given to you, of course.
Use your imagination and have fun with it, I hope I have a few to read!

Instagram: @hunting_winchesters
Email: itsstevenow@gmail.co.UK

I'll reply to any messages to let you know I've received it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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