38| Hot tub brawls

Start from the beginning

My heart leaps the way it always does when he makes future plans. "My dad tried to take me once, but I was scared of being eaten by a bear. Mom convinced him to take us to a spa retreat instead."

"Then I'll protect you," he says, "and not just from bears either. There are all sorts of creepy crawlies out there. I had a tarantula sneak into my tent once. Practically tore the whole thing down trying to get away from it." 

"You're really selling it to me," I say, popping the marshmallow into my mouth. "I can't wait."

He thinks for a moment, gaze turning wicked. "Let me paint a better picture. Me, you, a cozy tent under the stars. Fire crackling. My hand sliding down your–"

"Noah!" I whisper.

He chuckles, brushing my hair aside to gaze into my eyes before glancing at my lips. With a smoldering look, he lightly touches my lip with his thumb. "If I didn't think you'd slap me for PDA, I'd kiss you right now, Blue."

My cheeks heat up, and I peek across the firepit at Pax, expecting a smirk, but he's gazing toward the gazebo, beer can in hand, distracted. Even Olivia, the beautiful girl trying to whisper in his ear, can't draw his attention.

Next to her, Riley and Carter are busy comparing muscles, oblivious to us. I seize the moment, giving Noah a quick kiss. It's brief – two seconds max – but the look in his gaze as I pull away suggests it's enough to ignite something dangerous in him.

"Fuck," he says, staring at my lips. His gaze drops lower, no doubt imagining my body under this hoody, darkening with frustration. "Leave with me, Blue. Right now."

"Later," I promise, watching a disheveled-looking Addy sneaking out of the gazebo. "I need to talk to Addy. I'll be back." Standing up, I feel his gaze as I walk away, longingly staring after me. It feels good to be wanted like this. I'm used to the kind of guys who don't know what they want, who leave you second-guessing about whether they like you, but not Noah. He couldn't hide his feelings if he tried.

I'm almost over to Addy when she spots me, fixing her curls before grabbing my arm and guiding me to the beers. "I almost told him about Pax," she blurts, handing me a cold, wet beer. "I was about to tell him everything, but then he said the only girl he wants is me."

"Seriously?" I peer into her face, seeing the excitement radiating from her pores. Regardless of whether Jesse is a good fit, all that matters is she's happy. "Okay, time for a toast," I declare, opening my drink. "To Jesse finally coming clean about his feelings." Our cans meet with a cheerful clink. As I sip my drink, all I can think is maybe it's time I do the same with Noah.

"Since we're announcing things," I say coyly, "I'm thinking of having sex with Noah tonight."

Addy practically spits out her beer before swiveling to face me. "Ever, no. You can't have sex for the first time on the night of some dumb curse."

"It's not for the curse," I insist, downing the rest of my beer. It burns on the way down, reminding me that I hate the taste of alcohol, but at least I'm not afraid of it anymore. "Me realizing I want to have sex just happened to fall on the same day. It's because I'm ready."

"Still," she says. "As much as I disagree with the whole, your first time should be some special fairytale moment, I think you should wait for a different night. And what if the Calbears lose the meet tomorrow? He'll think your pussy is cursed."

Now it's my turn to spit out my drink. "Addy."

"What?" She grins. "I'm just saying."

I roll my eyes, but she has a point. The question is, can I keep my hands off Noah – and his hands off me – before the end of the night? Probably – most definitely – not.

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