i dare you I

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a/n: this chapter plays at the very beginning of the story. it's when lee know and han kiss for the first time! in minho's pov of course. you're also finally getting the details of their first kiss in the second part.


The urinals. Some high schoolers referred to them as thirty seconds of quiet time and peace, others were mortified to even use them.

At the peak of my high school career I was known for being there quite a lot and not for the sake of peeing. I was getting great deals done down there. No teachers around, plus always an excuse to go.

"Five for 3000." Tch. Hyunjin must have thought I was this easy. After his offer I hid the goods deeper in my fist as I was starting to smirk. "Doesn't seem like a good deal to me."

The taller however did not back down. I hated these disrespectful youngsters. If I had skipped the year of when I met Kim Seungmin I would have already graduated. But no, I had to be emotionally unstable with daddy issues. So cliché. It sometimes made me cringe.

Han did tell me he had a therapist. Maybe once I turned 18 I would consider going at some point.

But that wasn't the problem at hand right now. The problem was Hwang Hyunjin. Once again.

"C'mon Hyung," he made it sound like an insult,"You know what I want and you know I can get it elsewhere too."

I bit on my lip, feeling a little pathetic playing around like this.
"Fine, fine. But on one condition." The smile didn't seem to leave my face - knowing he would definitely lose this game. "Let's make a bet. Winner gets to pick the punishment." "I just want your strawberry bubble gum, Minho." "It's not my fault you spit it in the last principals face and got it banned on school grounds." Hyunjin sighed while looking down to his shoes. "It was an accident." "My ass."

When I cracked my knuckles, I didn't expect it to hurt that much so I caught myself wincing. So much for having an intimidating appearance. I pointed out the door with my head to wordlessly suggest that Hyunjin should follow me. We then found ourselves in an empty classroom, the one Felix and Seungmin usually used for their studies. Or whatever the hell those two were doing in here.

Hyunjin went to the first table he found and sat down. "What now? Are you gonna teach me, Mister Lee?" To make sure Hyunjin understood that this almost made me vomit, I gagged. However, that resulted in me actually almost vomiting. I pulled out my water bottle and started humming to make sure I wasn't feeling nauseous anymore.
"Ew, you're obnoxious, you know that?" "I am aware, Hwang. Your ex boyfriend told me multiple times." This seemed to have set him off and he came closer to me, grabbing me by my collar. If I was being honest, I really liked seeing him get worked up like this. Not in a weird way! Really! But he seemed so weak trying to be tough and it satisfied me.

While we were having a stare battle, him clenching his jaw when I started smirking, I started blowing straight into his face. I had eaten garlic bread this morning. "Your breath stinks, mate." So now it was Hyunjin's turn to almost throw up as he was letting go of me. Fair play if we were being objective here.

"No one says 'mate' anymore." "Felix does." "If Felix were to jump off-" "Literally shut up right now."

He was messaging his head with his eyes closed and I wondered why he was so eager to get gum. I would have honestly given up at this point.

"Let's get this over with. What are we going to do, Minho." "Arm wrestling."

The younger opened his eyes to look at me. "You're kidding." But I was just smiling. "Not at all."

So now we were on two different ends of a table. The singular seat ones, you would know them. I knew I should intimidate him as I always did but I was aware that if I looked at him now I would probably burst out laughing.

"Three," long hair started counting down.

But why would I even lose?


It was easy as cake! I was literally Lee Minhot.


And before I could grasp the situation I had already lost. The bell rang. I should have went to my next lesson as I had already skipped one but I was too perplexed. How did I, Lee Minhot, lose to Hwang Loserjin?

"Is that what you call me in your head? Loserjin?" So I might have said it out loud but I didn't regret anything. He was a loser!

"And what about it?" "It's fine, I also call you Minloser. We seem to have that in common." "We also have Seungmin in common if you-"

Next thing I knew I was on the floor, holding my knee in pain. "Anyway, I won. So you need to give me what I want and I get to pick your punishment."

Right. Why did I agree to this again? 3k Won for five was a great deal. I nodded when I finally got up and dusted off my clothes. "How do you always do this? Being dramatic I mean. It's fucking exhausting. I will never lay on the dirty ass floor again. I can promise you that."

He seemed to have not taken it seriously after he was the one kicking my knee because he just continued on. "I dare you to kiss the next person who walks in." Hyunjin was quite happy about the task he had given me.

Easy as cake. However, maybe I shouldn't have said it twice because apparently it didn't bring me any luck the first time around.

When we looked at the student walking into the classroom, I could swear I saw Hyunjin pass out, die and come back to life all in one second.

Kim Seungmin.

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