Your heart quickened as you sensed Jenna's rising panic. You knew she had anxiety, but you've never experience an attack first hand before.

Embracing her in a soft hug, placing your lips near her ear you whispered back, "Hey, hey, breathe with me. In, out. In, out. Slowly." With every instruction you gave, you did the same, so she could mimick the pace.

You took Jenna's hands, placing them on your chest and guiding her through each measured breath. The crews' chatter and moving around became background noise to the rhythmic inhales and exhales.

"I don't know what's happening. This can't happen now." You could hear the fear in her voice.

Still whispering you answered, "It's okay, Jen. You're not alone. We can step back for a moment. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Just us, right here."

The two of you moved back to the bathroom, away from everybody. Your embrace calmed Jenna, offering a shield from the overwhelming world outside.

"Remember, you're Jenna Ortega, the most brilliant acctress I've ever seen, but it's okay not to be invincible all the time. Just breathe, I'm here for you."

Jenna blinked rapidly, trying to keep her tears in just so she wouldn't mess up her makeup. You held her close, becoming the anchor in the tempest of her anxiety.

She spoke again, her voice steadier but still shaky. "I hate that I let this get the best of me. I'm supposed to be strong."

You brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "Strength isn't about never feeling vulnerable, babe. It's about finding courage in those moments. You're stronger than you think."

As Jenna's breathing steadied, the twinkle returned to her eyes. There was the Jenna you were used to.

She took couple more breaths and smiled up to you. You could feel her appreciation for you very palpable in the air. "Thank you for being here, for understanding."

"Always. We're a team and I love you." You whispered and placed a kiss on top of her head.

With a shared nod, you stepped back into the room and out to attend the Paris Fashion Week.

The Vogue camera crew followed Jenna all the time, and she even try out a squat to prove how comfortable the dress and the huge high heels were. You just laughed to yourself.

In the corner, you discreetly observe, trying to stay out of the camera's reach, your introverted nature yearning for the shadows even as Jenna shines in the spotlight.

Jenna took some selfies with fans waiting on the street, her security team always accompaning her close. Enrique walking side by side to her. A fan even smiled at you, you blushed and smiled back, not expecting that.

Your focus remains on Jenna the entire day, ensuring she's comfortable amidst the chaotic admiration. One would say you were obsessed, but you just needed to make sure she was alright, cause all of the screaming, camera flashes, fans calling out for her and paparazzis were too much for you. Was it too much for her? You needed to make sure.

"Are you okay? Need an escape route?" You mouthed at her and hoped she read your lips through all that noise.

"I'm good." She mouthed back and you allowed yourself to relax just a tiny bit.

As the night evolved, the fashion extravaganza led Jenna to slip into a radiant Valentino electric yellow cutout minidress adorned with a bow and jewels, embodying a different charm. The twinkling lights of Paris reflected off her as she headed to another star-studded event, the Valentino after party.

 The twinkling lights of Paris reflected off her as she headed to another star-studded event, the Valentino after party

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Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now