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     Lydia watched the way Joel paced about in his room

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     Lydia watched the way Joel paced about in his room. It was tiring watching the way he circled the small home. "Are you going to sit? Honestly, my head is starting to spin because of you." Joel stays silent for a moment, his intense gaze fixed on the horizon that looked out his window. He takes a deep breath and finally responds, his voice tinged with a hint of irritation.

"I ain't got time to sit around, alright? We've got a job to do, and every second counts. So forgive me if my pacing bothers you, but I won't rest until this mission is complete. And if my restlessness is making your head spin, then maybe you ain't cut out for this line of work."

Lydia stood up with her eyes squinted at him. Hard header as always, she spoke up matching his tone now. "If it wasn't for Tess and I, you wouldn't have even known about that motor." Joel narrows his eyes, his expression hardening as he meets Lydia's gaze. He takes a step closer, his voice low and firm.

"You think I don't appreciate what you and Tess did? Is that it? Look, I may not show it, but I damn well know the value of a good team. Without you two, I wouldn't have made it this far. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop pushing, stop driving forward. We're in a world gone to hell, and complacency will get us killed."

He takes a moment to compose himself, his tone softening slightly.

"I ain't trying to dismiss your contribution, Lydia. But understand that my restlessness, my pacing, it's all part of who I am. It's how I cope, how I stay focused. So forgive me if it rubs you the wrong way, but it ain't gonna change."

Joel takes a step back, his gaze still fixed on Lydia.

"Now, are we gonna waste time arguing, or are we gonna get back on track and continue surviving?"

Joel  stood by Lydia's side as they made their way to meet Tess. His mind was focused on the mission at hand, but the mention of a new "carry on" piqued his curiosity. He knew Marlene wouldn't throw something their way unless it was important.

As they approached Tess, Joel's eyes scanned the surroundings, ever vigilant. When Tess mentioned the name "Ellie," his attention was immediately captured. A kid? What the hell was Marlene thinking?

Joel's gaze shifted to Tess, his expression serious.

"Ellie, huh? What's her deal? Why's Marlene sending a kid with us on this mission?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of concern and skepticism. He trusted Marlene, but this was a dangerous world they were living in, and he couldn't help but question the decision.

"Maybe she's special" Lydia teased, a smirk formed across her lips. That was until someone charged at Joel causing him to toss them against the wall.

"Joel! She's a kid!" Marlene snapped while Lydia kicked away the blade that was in Ellie's hand. "No." Was what Joel said after. "We're not taking her."

"You have to. No more questions, you get her to the fireflies and we give you your cut. That's the deal."

Joel's eyes narrowed as he looked at Ellie, a mix of frustration and concern evident on his face. The mention of Marlene's ultimatum didn't sit well with him, but he knew he had no choice. He glanced at Tess and Lydia, silently conveying his reluctance.

"Fine," Joel replied curtly, his voice laced with resignation. "But she better not slow us down or get in the way. We stick together, we watch each other's backs. And if anything happens, it's on her."

He turned his attention to Ellie, his gaze piercing.

"You listen to me, kid. This ain't a game, and it sure as hell ain't a place for someone your age. You do exactly what I say, when I say it. Got it?"

Joel's tone was firm, a mix of caution and concern for the girl's safety. He may have been reluctant to take Ellie along, but he was determined to protect her and get her to the Fireflies as promised.

Lydia and Tess gave each other a nod before the four of them headed out to sneak out of the QZ.

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