The Octonauts and the Creatures of the Deep (Prologue)

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     It was a special day for the crew aboard the Octopod.
     After having a delicious, healthy breakfast prepared by the Vegimals, the Octonauts set out to perform their tasks. However, today's tasks were very important, more important than any other day's. Because, today, the crew would be venturing to an unexplored area of the ocean, deep in the heart of the Pacific Ocean.
     Little did they know that what they would find there would not be explainable by science.

Kwazii stared at his spyglass, turning it over in his paws. It was a treasure that he'd kept from his days as a kitten. It made him feel incredibly nostalgic. His mother had given it to him, before she'd been...
     He choked as he thought of her. He could still hear her soft voice whispering in his ear. It was almost comical, in a way. Her last words to him had been 'Alright, lad. Time fer' a diaper change.'
     She had been killed then he was no more than two years old. He supposed that was the reason why he'd always been drawn to baby things, particularly diapers. He remembered the soft material lining his nether regions, caressing him gently. They took him back to a simpler time. A time when he could be innocent. When he truly believed that he was always safe.
     "Oi, Earth ta Kwazii."
    He sat up straight as a grubby paw waved in front of his face. Looking up, he saw the face of an elderly calico cat staring down at him, smiling. "Aye, there ye are! How ye doin', lad?"
     "M'alright, grandpa." Kwazii mumbled, standing up and slowly getting in the Bathus-Gup, Tweak's latest invention. Modeled after a Bathysphere, it was the gup that could go the deepest out of all of them. It would be needed for today's exploration.
     Dashi's voice broke through Kwazii's thoughts. "Right, supplies check time, Tunip! Food?"
     "Emergency medical supplies?"
     "Little supplies?"
     "Bigbig chiba!"
     Kwazii blushed. The BT-Gup, as Tweak had taken to calling it, was stocked with all necessities. Food, water, medical supplies... and a few toys and lots of diapers, as well as some stimulating items.
     He sighed as Jack, Peso, Shellington, and the Captain got in with him. Barnacles would, of course, be piloting the gup, but Kwazii had also been trained for if the need arose.
     "We'll be monitoring everything from the Octopod, okay?" Dashi affirmed. Barnacles nodded. "Opening hatch now. Octonauts, begin your descent!" Tweak called.
     Kwazii felt Jack place a comforting paw on his shoulder. "Don't worry, lad. We're gonna be fine."
     Kwazii almost believed it.

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