It's Okay to Feel Small (Kwazii x Peso)

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Little: Peso
CG: Kwazii
CW/TW: bullying, nightmares, depression

Peso screamed and woke up, startled. Another nightmare about getting bullied back home. About getting shoved under the ice. About nearly drowning because he was too small.

Thankfully, his screams hadn't woken up any of the others.

"Peso? You awake, matey?"

Most of the others.

"Peso?" Kwazii said, knocking on the door. "I'm coming, Kwazii." Peso replied. He got up out of bed, his soggy nighttime diaper sloshing around between his feet. He opened the door and was greeted by Kwazii nearly knocking him over with a hug.

"Peso!" The pirate exclaimed, "I heard you scream. Are you alright? Did a sea monster come to get ya'?" Kwazii asked, examining the penguin that was half his size.

"No, Kwazii. I'm not hurt. At least... not physically." Peso replied. Kwazii was confused, until he saw the state of the medic's diaper and the tears in his eyes.

"Another nightmare, eh?" Kwazii asked, frowning. Peso slowly nodded his head. The cat closed the door and scooped up the medic in his arms with ease. He went to Peso's bed and sat down."Do ye want to talk about it, lad?" He asked, worry in his eyes. Peso shook his head.

Kwazii desperately wanted to know what these nightmares were about, but if Peso didn't want to talk, Kwazii wouldn't make him. "Okay, lad. How about we get you out of that soaked thing and into a fresh diaper?" Kwazii asked, delicately. Peso looked down and slowly nodded.

Kwazii smiled. "Hey, you're alright, matey. It's okay to feel small. We all do, sometimes. Even me."

Peso looked up. That... actually made him feel way better. If even Kwazii, a fearless pirate who conquered the seven seas, felt scared and helpless sometimes, then Peso feeling little was completely normal!

Peso felt himself slipping into littlespace. He cooed and nuzzled into the cat's chest. "Hehe, knew you'd come around. Now, let's get you into some fresh padding, ya' little sog monster." Kwazii said, tickling Peso.

The penguin giggled and flailed. "Dada, stop!" He said, barely able to get a word out. "Alright, lad." Kwazii obeyed, and stopped tickling the medic.

He then took Peso to the changing table and set him down. He got out some changing supplies (including an adorable fish-print diaper) and got to work changing the little penguin. He was soon done.

"Alright, lad. You wanna sleep in me room, tonight?" Kwazii asked. Peso clapped his flippers and giggled in agreement. Unlike Kwazii, Tweak, and Dashi, Peso's littlespace went to about a year old, whereas the rest went to about 2-3 years old.

Kwazii picked up the medic and carried him back to his room. He put Peso down on the bed and climbed in with him. "Hmm..." Kwazii said, "something doesn't feel right... aha! I got it!"

He reached behind himself and grabbed a stuffed dragon he used when he was in littlespace and handed it to Peso. "This lad's name is Atlas." He told Peso. "He's very important to me, and I hope he'll protect you like he does for me."

Peso giggled and held the dragon close to him. He then snuggled up against Kwazii. "Dada..." he cooed. "Heh, goodnight little matey." The cat replied, and drifted off to sleep.

Only 554 words? This calls for a part 2!
(Fun fact: I cringed a lot when writing this, because I often mistyped 'Peso' as 'Pedo'. Yikes!)

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