Mysterious Ritual at the Haunted Hill

Start from the beginning

"Hmm," murmured Mr. Christopher as he sat with his hands clutching the betel leaves on the table, "What's going on at the haunted hill? There have always been horror stories about that place."

"We almost became victims, sir! You must do something before it's too late!" pleaded Sergio with a worried face.

Mr. Christopher was silent for a moment as if thinking about what steps to take. Then he gave Zyon and Sergio a sharp look.

"Alright, we'll gather the villagers tomorrow morning. We must work together to solve this problem," he said firmly.

The next morning, the villagers gathered at the village hall to discuss Zyon and Sergio's report. Mr. Christopher explained what the two young men had said, and asked for the villagers' willingness to face the situation together.

An elderly villager known as the village shaman, Madam Docia, raised her voice.

"I've heard stories about that group. They call themselves the 'Wraith Shadows', a group that seeks to restore the village's glory through supernatural means. Unfortunately, their methods often lead to chaos," Madam Docia explained.

"Madam Docia, what should we do to stop them?" asked a woman in a hat.

"Zy, Ser, take me to that place," Madam Docia pleaded, "We must stop them before they damage our village even more."

Zyon and Sergio then drove Madam Docia to the haunted hill. Along the way, they explained what happened when they saw the mysterious ritual. Madam Docia listened seriously.

"Madam, what are we going to do there?" asked Zyon.

"We must confront them, especially if they intend to awaken something evil," replied Madam Docia.

"But there are only three of us, are we strong enough to face them?" asked Sergio worriedly.

"We will pray and rely on the forces of nature to protect us. Trust me, young man, good will always prevail," said Madam Docia.

After walking for some time, they arrived back at the haunted hill. This time, the black-robed group was not there. They tried to find their trail while talking about what to do next.

"Should we wait for them to come again, madam?" asked Zyon.

"Probably not a good way, Zy. We need to find them before they start another ritual," replied Madam Docia.

Sergio tried to investigate the surroundings and found an old book with writings that were difficult to read.

"Madam, is this their ritual book?" asked Sergio as he handed over the book.

Madam Docia accepted the book and studied it, "Yes, this is their ritual book. But some of the pages are missing. Strange, what exactly are they trying to do if this book is incomplete?"

While searching for the black-robed group, they noticed suspicious footprints. After following the trail, Zyon, Sergio, and Madam Docia found a hidden cave not far from the location of the mysterious ritual.

"Zy, Ser, follow me into this cave. But be careful," Madam Docia whispered.

Inside the cave, they found a large room filled with candles and ritual tools. Apparently, this is where the black-robed group was hiding waiting for the time to start the next ritual. Madam Docia, Zyon, and Sergio also hid and observed them from a distance.

"Wraith Shadows, we must continue our ritual. Nature has given us a sign. Our power is getting closer to perfection!" said the leader of the group.

Without waiting any longer, Madam Docia signaled Zyon and Sergio. They came out of hiding and prepared to face the black-robed group.

"Stop! You're ruining our village!" shouted Madam Docia sternly.

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