Mysterious Ritual at the Haunted Hill

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One dark night, Zyon and Sergio walked through a forest to Zyon's hometown. They talked happily about their childhood memories spent together in the village.

"It's been a long time since we played chase in the rice fields, huh Zy?" Sergio said with a laugh.

"Yes, Ser. What a lot of good memories we have." Zyon replied with a smile.

However, Zyon and Sergio suddenly fell silent when they saw a strange light in the distance among the trees. They became curious as to what was going on there.

"What is it, Zy?" asked Sergio in surprise.

"I don't know, Ser. But it feels like something is wrong. Let's check it out," said Zyon.

They continued on their way, following the strange light. Soon, they came to the edge of a notoriously haunted hill in the village. There, they saw a group of people in black robes gathered around a campfire.

Zyon and Sergio hid behind some bushes and listened to the conversation of the cloaked people. One of them recited incantations in a language they could not understand.

"We must galvanize our powers to awaken the spirits of our former leaders," said the person who seemed to be the ritual leader.

"Wow, it seems like they're doing strange rituals. We have to be careful, Zy," Sergio whispered.

"Yes, we must try to find out what they are doing and why they are doing it," said Zyon.

They tried to approach slowly and carefully so as not to get caught. Suddenly, Zyon felt a hand being squeezed by being stretched out of the bushes and was caught by the men in black robes. Sergio was also caught not long after.

"Are you stalking us?" the ritual leader asked in an eerie tone.

"We're not stalking, we're just villagers taking a walk in the forest," Zyon replied calmly.

"However, you have seen something you should not have seen. Now, you must join us in this ritual," the leader said as he forced Zyon and Sergio to wear black robes.

As the ritual intensified, Zyon and Sergio communicated through eye movements. They searched for a way to escape this terrifying situation. Amid the incantations, there was a loud earthquake, making everyone panic and confused.

"It's time we ran away, Ser!" whispered Zyon.

They fled the hill, leaving the ritual behind. The people in black robes were shocked and injured by the earthquake. One by one they staggered and tried to get back up. The earthquake disrupted the ritual they were performing.

"Stop the ritual!" shouted the ritual leader, trying to control the situation.

Meanwhile, Zyon and Sergio continued to run through the pitch-black forest. The rain that was falling added to the atmosphere.

"What was that earthquake...?" sighed Sergio.

"I don't know, Ser. But we have to inform the villagers about this incident immediately," said Zyon, breathing heavily.

Finally, they arrived at their hometown known as Greenbury Village. With firm steps, they walked to the house of the Village Chief, Mr. Christopher, to report what they had just witnessed.

Still breathing heavily, Zyon and Sergio bluntly told him what they thought of the ritual they saw last night.

"Sir, we saw a group of people on a haunted hill performing a mysterious ritual! They were reciting strange spells to awaken the spirit of their leader!" exclaimed Zyon.

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