Chapter One

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"flight number 41 to Germany is now boarding"

The sound of the intercom jolted me out of my sleep. I look over to the boarding door behind me and a line has already formed. Immediately, I begin to pack up my stuff.

Shit i mumble. The line's going down really fast. I rush over to the door with only 3 more people in front of me.

I board onto the plane and put my luggage into the overhead compartment.

"Do you need help young lady?"
I hear a man's voice come from the Left of me.

"Uh.. No, I'm okay thanks"

I'm not putting up with creepy old men right now. Can't go a damn day without some 60 year old tryna hit on me.


This is my first time going to Germany. I'm going to live with my brother, who I've barely ever talked to. He offered it to me because he knew I was struggling, which was weird because he's never even cared to talk to me. We've always been distant and never had a real 'sister-brother relationship'.

And it wasn't until a year ago that I found out he was a mafia boss.

Since he has a lot of money, I'm guessing he wants to brag about it to me since I'm gonna be living with him. But honestly, I don't mind. I'm gonna be living in a fancy ass house with a maid AND a chef. What is there to complain about?


I fell asleep on the plane ride there. When we arrived it was like 4 AM. I get my stuff together and get off the plane.

My first instinct is to call my brother. I'm not tryna be stranded in an airport in Germany at 4 AM in the morning.

I open his contact and call him. It rings twice before he picks up.

"Hey Roman, I'm here, where are you?"

"Arora it's 4 AM in the morning, why are you calling me?"

"Roman... why wouldn't I call you, I just got off of the plane and I don't have a ride"

"I told you to call my personal valet number"

"Uhh, no. You didn't. What's the number?"

"I'll send it to you, but don't call me again, I'm sleeping"

"Okay Prince Charming"

I say that in a sarcastic tone and hang up the call.

He sent me number and I repeat it in my head so I don't forget it.


We pull up to the house and I'm in awe. In the front is a looped parking lot with a garden in the middle and on each side, and the building itself is 3 stories.

The valet driver helps me unload my stuff and bring it up to the door. I open it and the inside is even prettier. There's vintage paintings everywhere that probably cost millions, and a double staircase right infront of the entrance. The floors are marble  and there are pillars on each side of the door.

The house is really quiet. I'm guessing because everyone's asleep. The valet driver comes in behind me with my stuff and leads me up to my room.

It's kind of plain. Maybe Roman left it like this so I could decorate it for myself. Regardless, that's what I'm gonna do

I walk around to the other side of the bed to turn on the lamp that's on the nightstand.

Theres a box on it.

It's a small, dark blue box, with silver lining. I pick it up and sit on the edge of the bed. I flip it over and on the bottom it says "to my beautiful wife,
From, Daniel"

This was mom's. I open it and see a beautiful silver necklace with a simple heart pendant on it. The little tag on it says 'real silver'.

I had never seen her wear this. But again, I had never even seen her. Only pictures of her.

She left when I was really little to have a new life with another man she was having an affair with. I kinda wish she'd stuck around.


The alarm on my phone was blaring on the other side of the room. I groan and throw the blanket off of me dramatically.


I scream at myself, as I try to find my phone.

I find it hiding under my neck pillow and finally shut it off. I start digging in my carry on backpack to find my toothbrush.

Once I find it, I walk over to the bathroom. I can't beleive this room has its own bathroom. And it's huge. The bathroom has a jacuzzi tub and a fancy walk in shower AND a double sink AND a touch screen mirror; when you double tap it, it lights up around the edges.


I finish unpacking most of my stuff and decide to go for a coffee break. I throw on a pair of shorts, a dark red tank top, and my white sandals. I grab my purse and head downstairs.

As I'm wandering around the house I bump into my brother.

"Well, good morning Prince Charming"

"Ew don't call me 'prince charming',"

"Sorry, you mind if I go on a coffee run?"

"Actually I need to talk to you about something first"

I look at him concerned.

"Of course, about what?"

"Let's discuss it in the kitchen"

He leads me to the kitchen and we sit down across from each other. I look at him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Arora, I need you to know that you can't use the name Gambino here. I'll have you know that I'm very known and there are a lot of men that are after me and whatever could be my weakness"

"When you say 'alot', what do you mean?"

"I mean that I have enemies Arora. This business is very dangerous and very serious so I need you to go by Arora Russo. I will also be sending you money to buy a car. You cannot be seen riding in the same car the i ride in, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand what you're telling me to do, but I don't understand all of the boundaries. Am I not able to have friends or meet any people?"

"No Arora, you can meet people. Soon, you will have to move out of this house. I will send you the money you need for your bills. I have already placed a down payment on one for you."

"Okay. I understand now. Arora Russo and new car. Got it."

"Please take this seriously Arora"

"I will Roman, trust me. I'm gonna go grab coffee. We can talk more about this mafia stuff when I get back"

I get up from the stool and start to head towards the entrance area, where the door is.

"Oh, and Arora, if you meet a man named Tom Kaulitz, tell me immediately. He is extremely dangerous and even more feared than I am."

"Got it"
I reply, and keep walking, waving my hands at him from behind me.

Tom Kaulitz? How can he be even more feared than my brother? I thought he was like, at the highest rank or however this works.

In Your Hands // Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now