Victoria smiled at the thoughtfulness and generosity of her friend.

"Thank you. I will keep that in mind." The woman said, hugging Tracy.

"Tick tock mom." Kenzie said, teasing her mother.

"Right, yes." Tracy said as she grabbed her belongings, said goodbye to Victoria and Harrison and hurried to where Scott and Kenzie were waiting for her.


Saying goodbye to her parents was bittersweet. Kenzie was going to miss her parents but the sooner they boarded their plane, she could board hers and plan out how she was going to greet Jeff when she landed in Florida.

She wasn't sure what she'd say but she knew that for sure she was going to give him the biggest hug she could muster.

Speaking of hugs, Kenzie's mind wandered to Zarah and how she was holding up. She knew that Zarah had a hard time with goodbyes and it made Kenzie feel sad to know that Zarah wouldn't have anyone to talk to while she was gone. I mean sure, she would have Spindles but what good is having a pet bee going to do.

Kenzie sat down in an empty chair and pulled out her phone to text Zarah like she promised.

<<Just said goodbye to mom and dad. They barely made it to their gate. They are good though.>> Kenzie typed out before sending.

Zarah's reply came quickly after.

<<Glad they boarded safely. I'll miss you.>> She said.

Kenzie smiled sadly and opened her camera.

<<I miss you already.>> Kenzie replied, sending a picture of herself making a sad face. Bottom lip jutted out and all, hoping it would make Zarah laugh.

<<Doofus!>> Came Zarah's reply. Kenzie chuckled and was about to reply with a long message when her flight was called and she had to board. That didn't stop her from sending at least a short message.

<<Boarding now. Love you!>> She typed before pocketing her phone and lining up.


Roasted Peanuts, how did one discover that roasting peanuts tasted good, heck, who discovered the peanut and thought it would be a good thing to have on airplanes one day?

These were all things going through Kenzie's mind as she tried not to listen to the man next to her aggressively chewing his snack as though his life depended on it. Sure she had her earphones in her ears with music playing relatively loud to block out the sound but the facial expressions he was making and the occasional moans escaping his lips made Kenzie feel sick. It was disturbing to say the least but even she knew that people had their quirks; she figured that eating the way the man next to her did, was his quirk.

Boy oh boy, this particular flight was full of quirky people then if that was the case.

The person sitting behind Kenzie had the weird quirk of putting their shoe clad foot on the back of her arm rest. Kenzie was slightly annoyed at this but instead of saying anything to them, she simply put her arm on the rest far enough back so they had to remove their foot. It worked for at least a few minutes but then, came a sweaty sock clad foot. It was damp and disgusting and made Kenzie want to gag. Again, her response was to move her arm further back on the arm rest but this time, she did it a little more forcefully.

The person behind her let out an annoyed huff and Kenzie rolled her eyes but kept to herself as best she could.

It seemed to work for maybe 10 minutes until a bare foot touched the back of her arm. Kenzie frowned and with all the strength she could muster, elbowed the person's foot, having had more than enough of their travel manner. It was beyond gross at this point and Kenzie had had enough.

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