"You can't say that in front of her!"

"Idiot, be quiet!!"

You were pretty stunned at this. Sure, you know, you're not exactly the popular one in your family, but you never expected any of them to speak negatively about you behind your back.

And what did she mean that you have zero interest? You have interests. You love anime, you love video games...

You frowned slightly.

Wait... Do those count? Because you remember expressing those interests to your friends and family members and they would always lose interest in talking to you, or just ask you if you have any other hobbies.

Your friends even called you childish for watching anime. The guys in your class think you're a pick-me girl just for liking video games.

Come to think of it, your parents would always encourage you to try out a new activity. Such as sports, art, or at least trying a new instrument, but you would turn them down each time much to their dismay.

Everyone always seemed eager for you to do something outside of your interests.

Of course, you decided to ignore what your cousin said. However, due to the awkwardness, you felt the need to leave. It didn't take long for the atmosphere to liven up again even with you gone, though, your sister watched you leave with a guilty look.

You left the dining room and wandered around, while actively avoiding your mother.

It was a large home, so it was rather easy, but you couldn't avoid her forever. Which is why you thank the heavens when you hear the doorbell ring.

'Yes! Something to do!'

You zipped through the crowd and went straight to the door, telling one of your aunts that you would get it when she was about to open the door.

Because you were so grateful for the interruption, you smiled widely as soon as you opened the door, but your smile fell when your eye made eye contact with a pair of amethyst eyes.

"Hello, (y/n)."

It was one of your neighbours, Gakushu Asano. A boy you've known since you were still in elementary school. To say that two of you are childhood friends would be a massive exaggeration. You don't consider him a friend of any kind. You just happen to know him for a long time. That's all.

Which is why you weren't exactly thrilled to see him.

"Oh, hey, Asano." You sighed.

You saw the way his lips pressed together to stop a grimace from forming on his perfect face. Ignoring your rudeness, he manages to smile politely and hands you the gift bag he is holding.

"Do you mind giving this to your sister?"

You took the gift. You noted that the colour of the bag was yellow. Your sister's favourite colour. Did he remember, or was the choice of colour a coincidence?

"It's not proper to be chasing after a girl older than you," you tell him, sounding serious, but he knew you were only kidding.

Gakushu lets out an empty humourous chuckle.

"You know there isn't anything going on between us."

God, you know he hates you so him pretending to be friendly with you really pissed you off. You already get enough of that with your own family. You know he only puts up with you because your parents are friends with his dad.

And you, well, you don't hate the guy. He hasn't done anything to make you grow to detest him.

Sure, his two-face personality frustrated you, but it wasn't like he was trying to be your friend or anything. He mostly got along with your sister, so that's why you find him at least tolerable.

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