Chapter 15. Party after the storm

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(Hello, everyone! I know it's a little bit late to say this, but I enjoy using some details and events from the books and the 90's series so that all Moomin fans can recognize them and imagine them easily. Also, I'd like to tell you that next chapter will be the last one from this story, but I'll upload a second part! Since I'm studying, I will be uploading a new chapter every two weeks, so thank you for being patient! Finally, if you are enjoying this story, please leave a comment. You'll surely make my day! Love for all! <3)

'Snorkmaiden!' exclaimed My as she ran up to hug her friend.

To My's surprise, Snorkmaiden herself had opened the door.

'My! What are you doing here?'

'Moominmamma sends this for your eyes only, it seems. And some plum mermalade' she explained.

'A letter? How unusual. Please, tell her I'm so very thankful' said Snorkmaiden with a sad smile.

'I have been trying to see you, but it was as if the earth had swallowed you' explained My.

'I've been here the whole time, just making my self busy' she explained.

'Oh, I see. Do you need to talk about, you know, that?' asked My cautiously.

'You're still so immature! You are not the best of the confidents, I am afraid' replied Snorkmaiden.

'How dare you! I'm older than you, you know? Now, why don't I make some tea so we can have a ladies chit-chat. I'll be nice' proposed My, imitating what her sister usually did in these situations.

Snorkmaiden looked at her a bit perplex, but seeing My so convinced about it, she giggled at this and said: 'Alright My, let's have some tea'.

They headed towards the kitchen and as Snorkmaiden made some toasts and opened Moominmamma's plum jam, My quickly prepared the tea.

Finally, as they waited for the tea to infuse, both started eating their toasts, My sitting on the countertop and Snorkmaiden sitting on a chair.

'So, how do you feel about Moomin now?' asked My.

'You're not wasting a second, aren't you?' asked Snorkmaiden.

My grinned and kept eating.

'Alright, well... I must say that, at first, I really felt heartbroken. I had very high expectations, you know?'

'I can see it! You imagined your house, you had already named your five roundish children, maybe even had the name for a pet...' said My with sarcasm.

'My! You promised to be nice!' complained Snorkmaiden.

'Alright, but I ain't wrong, am I? I'm just saying that anyone who saw you guys would have expected you to have the whole lot' she explained.

'Yes! I mean, it was crystal clear! And just a few days ago it seemed to me that Moomin shared the same dream with me, but after you talked to me, so many things made sense... I just wonder, why did he allowed our relationship to go on for so long if it wasn't what he desired!?'

'You forgot something very basic about Moomin's personality: he can't say no! And he can't stand conflict, so how could he think about himself when he was so busy pleasing you?' said My categorical. 'Ooh, tea is ready' she said.

'Pleasing me?' asked Snorkmaiden visibly offended.

'Aw, come on. You've been taking Moomin with you in uncountable and continuous dates in the last two years! And let me tell you: spending time with Sniff alone is just not fun after a few days of hearing him whining' said My as she poured some tea in two cups.

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