CHAPTER. 2 Boundaries

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Moominmamma was cleaning up the table with the help of Little My, Sniff and Snorkmaiden who had also made it in time for the first breakfast of spring.

'Thank you for the pancakes, Moominmamma', said Snufkin, feeling his stomach fuller than any other of the previous winter days.

'I'm glad that you enjoyed them, Snufki', , she answered with a sweet smile.

'Mamma, could you prepare a bite to eat for us, please?', asked Moomin.

'Of course, dear'

'Where are you guys going?', asked Little My, struggling to take three empty cups of coffee to the kitchen.

'Oh well, nothing special, really. We are going to see Moominvalley from the top of the mountain', explained Snufkin, cleaning his harmonica with his cloak.

'Yes, and this time, Sniff, everyone, we would like to take this hike by ourselves. I'm afraid you will have to wait for Snufkin to tell you his adventures another day', warned Moomin.

'Awww, we'll have to wait for ages!' complained Sniff.

He loved his friends just as much as he loved his family, but this wasn't just another day, and they had to know by this time that the first day of spring was reserved for and only Snufkin.

The mumrik laughed softly at his best friend's seriousness.

'But Moomin, I also deserve some of your time, don't you think? Being your girlfriend, I mean...' said Snorkmaiden, looking offended and somewhat childish.

Moomin rolled his eyes. It wasn't too much to ask for a single day alone with Snufkin, wasn't it? Snorkmaiden and him had had lots of dates in the last couple of years in which they thought they had escaped Little My's attentive vigilance. It was just fair to have some time for only them two today.

'I'm sorry, Snorkmaiden. I promise we'll have an splendid date tomorrow. So, please! Don't get mad'.

'Tomorrow!? Agh! We'll see if I am in a mood to hang around tomorrow, Moomintroll' she exclaimed as she roughly placed a pile of plates on the table and stormed away of the house.

Moomin sighed as he watched her leave, and then looked for Snufkins eyes.

'Don't worry Moomintroll. She'll come round', he simply said with that reassuring look of his that also revealed his wisdom.

'That leaves us two, then. I'll suppose we'll have to find something more interesting to do, won't we Sniff?' asked Little My.

'Well, I guess so...' said Sniff with resignation.

'Here, you are, darling. A complete lunch for you two and a little extra just in case you get hungry on your way back. Have fun!'

'Thank you, mamma! Let's go, Snufkin! See you later, everyone!', exclaimed Moomin, pulling his friend by the hand and running out of the blue house.


'You can let go now, Moomin, none seems to be following us anymore', said Snufkin.

'Oh, sorry! I'm just so excited about this! Finally, you and me, together and a fantastic weather for a stroll!'

Snufkin suddenly felt a little bit hotter than usual noticing that his hand was still warm from Moomins contact.

'Well, su-surely it is a wonderful weather...'

'Snorkmaiden seemed to be really angry...' said suddenly Moomin. 'You know? Sometimes I don't understand her. And I think she doesn't understand me either! I mean, she's important to me, but you...' Moomin stoped walking and took both of Snufkins hands again, looking at him joyfully with a tender smile; 'You are here now'.

'Moomin, please, let go', almost pleaded Snufkin, pulling his hands away trying not to seem to harsh. Moomin felt suddenly guilty and hurt for a moment, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

'Oh, yeah, sorry again', said Moomin, gulping down to recover a more positive feeling. 'I am... was too excited, that's all'.

Snufkin could listen a tint of pain in his friend's voice, and he knew well it was his fault. He thought it would be better if they focused on the subject that they were talking about just before.

Both continued walking.

'Well, about Snorkmaiden, I think you should talk to her and set some... boundaries, if her demands are just too much for you'

'You think so? Ugh, she'll probably think that I want to break up with her' exclaimed Moomin, covering his eyes in frustration.

'None should avoid anyone from doing what they want to', said Snufkin frowning and feeling some kind of anger rise in his chest. 'It is just reasonable to do so'.

'I guess you're right. After all, I'm not asking for much, and once we talk I'll probably understand her a little better too'

'Wise words, Moomintroll'.

Moomin used to take his advise most of the times, but it usually took him a while to fully understand his words. Yet, it seemed that his friend had grown to be more mature and sensible. Ultimately, Moomin was about to start adulthood, just like he had last year and this should be just natural. Suddenly he found more comfortable walking in his company, feeling proud of him.

'Hey, Moomintroll. Do you want to listen to my new spring tune?'

'I thought you'd never say it!', answered Moomin with a gleeful smile.

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