CHAPTER 5. The stroll

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'Well, well, boy. Now that I see you, all grown up and about, it seems to me that I'm almost looking at your father. I'm sure his nose was also a little bit different, darker perhaps' said Moominpappa with his pipe in his mouth.

They had finished having breakfast and Moominpappa had sat by the table outside with Snufkin, who was sitting on the railing of the veranda as usual.

At least Moominpappa seemed to remembered his father's face unlike him, who struggled to figure it out. Snufkin wasn't really sure of how he felt knowing that one day he would see his face on the surface of a pond and find his father's reflection staring back at him.

'...good times, I'm telling you, those were good, good times', continued Moominpappa, already talking to himself.

Just then, Moomin appeared with his old adventure book under his arm.

'Sorry for the wait. Shall we go?' he asked Snufkin with the same courteous voice he used while role-playing with Snorkmaiden.

Snunfkin laughed at the humorousness of it. 'Sure. Where are we going?', he asked, jumping down from the railing.

'We're going to see the Hemulen. I want to know if he has got some good adventure books that I can borrow. I'm afraid I've already read all the books we've got at home'

'Off we go, then. Good bye, Moominpappa', said Snufkin waving softly.

'Good bye, young lads! Have fun, go in search for real adventures!' said Moominpappa as a farewell.

'It's going to be a great day, Snufkin, you'll see. The weather is fantastic, not too hot nor too cold either, just perfect for a stroll!' said Moomin, unable to keep his excitement to himself. His words made Snufkin smile with tenderness.

Moomin was so happy to finally be spending some time with Snufkin that he almost felt like bouncing all the way.

'Do you ever enjoy this amazing weather in your way to the south?'

'Mmmm, I can recall a few times when I've found such a nice weather, and on those times I thought of Moominvalley in its earliest spring. 'Remembering such a colourful picture fills me with hope and make me want to continue my way' he explained, inhaling deeply to appreciate the smell of the herbage.

Moomin couldn't suppress a crooked, melancholic grin, but since Snufkin was looking up to the blue sky, he didn't notice about this small gesture. A ridiculous amount of pain took over his heart as an icy hand and made him shiver at the thought of Snufkin leaving.

What was he doing? He didn't have the time to deal with this right now, there was no point! Snufkin was nowhere else but by his side at the present moment, and that should be all that mattered.

However, he felt the urge to hold Snufkin's hand, so he did, but he let it go quickly as he sensed the unexpected touch of the softest fur covering it.

'Oh, yes... I expected you would have noticed during breakfast', said the mumrik as he put up both of his hands showing the back of them for Moomin to see them more clearly.

The white troll looked at them closer with his blue eyes reflecting both curiosity and surprise. 'Is... is it normal?', he asked.

'Of course, it is. But I understand your reaction, I felt that way too for a few days, but it's just how my species look once they reach their adulthood, you know?', answered Snufkin with a gentle tone.

'So, does that mean that it will stay that way?' asked once more his friend.

'Yes, it will! Actually, Moominpappa was telling me that my father looked very much like this when he was younger. Apparently, my nose will change too'.

'Your nose! And will you develop antennae just like Little My as well?'

'No, Moomin', said Snufkin and laughed. ' You see, that only happens to the Mymbles like Little My!'

'Oh, I see... S-sorry if I seemed rude, it just caught me by surprise', said Moomin.

'It's ok'. As they continued their way, Moomin couldn't stop looking at Snufkins' hands from time to time. He swore he had even saw the tip of short claws...

'Are you alright, Moomin? Do all this changes in me make you feel uncomfortable?', asked Snufkin eventually, stopping their walk.

'Well, it's just I never thought you would change. You see, I haven't really changed much... Well, physically at least. But it is not that...', he said sheepishly.

'What is it, then?' asked Snufkin, starting to feel a bit insecure.

'It's just that, I was wondering if maybe, you... you would let me feel your ha-paws...'.

Snufkin hadn't expected such a request, but he reckoned it might be a good idea to let him familiarize with the object of his curiosity. Besides, deep inside, Snufkin felt the strange need for Moomin to feel comfortable with it.

'Sure' he finally said, putting his hands up again, but Moomin put them down slowly and held them on his own. Its touch was warm, the fur felt tremendously soft and layered. He also examined his fingertips, and there he found the pointy edge of feline-like claws.

After a few more seconds, Moomin could only think about how nice it felt caressing them, so he didn't get to notice how much warmer it had grown to be.

To his dismay, Snufkin had to admit that it felt really... pleasant. But there were also this mixed feelings again, making him feel rather soft inside as well as guilty for whatever the reason, but why? This had to happen sooner or later, it was just normal to let Moomin familiarize with this changes and it was good opportunity for a couple of friends to get to know better eachother. But what really scared Snufkin was the fact that he felt no embarrassment, but an odd need to get closer.

Was it possible for him to have wanted this to happen more than he would like to admit? It didn't seem the propper moment to wonder about it, so he decided to pull his hands back slowly. Moomin blinked his eyes a couple of times and chuckled, his cheeks tinted slightly in pink.

'I think we should get going. The Hemulen's house is not far, but do tell me your impressions about my newly grown fur' said Snufkin with a smile relieving the weight and complexity of the preivous silence. Both continued walking.

'Well, I have to say that your hands... paws! What are they now?', asked Moomin a bit confused.

'Call then as you wish, Moomin', said simply Snufkin.

'Alright, then. So, your hands are really, really soft! Just a bunny's fur. I wouldn't stop caressing them. I-I mean, if I were you, of course! Mamma has got a beautiful rabbit fur scarf and it reminded me of it' explained Moomin.

Snifkin chuckled at his answer, feeling much more relieved after hearing Moomin's verdict.

After a few minutes later, they arrived to the Hemulen's. Some of the flowers he had in patches were starting to bloom, but those rare black irises or "before the storm", as Moominmamma called them, had already blossomed.


'Why won't you let me out, Moominmamma!?' yelled Little My from inside her teapot.

'Well, rude as it might seem to you, Little My, I don't recall them inviting you to their stroll. I wouldn't be a good mother allowing you to follow them, but since I don't like to keep anyone this distressed, promise me you'll give them some advantage before you escape and run their way', said Moominmamma with her usual gentle voice.

'Urgh! Alright, then! I'll give the pair their long-awaited privacy. But once you let me out, you'll still have to convince me', she answered.

'Could you specify, dear?', asked Moominmamma with a smirk, knowing Little My had budged.

'A toast with raspberry jam, perhaps, and a cup of that good coffe of yours would make my day, and it would give me something to distract myself just the right amount of time'.

'As you wish, Little My. After all, you didn't really have a propper breakfast. That's probably why I've been told that one shouldn't seethe at the table', said Moominmamma removing the lid of the teapot just before Little My jumped out of it.

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