Chapter 11: A Second Summons

Start from the beginning

"Your Majesty." Daniel remains cordial, though he has a pretty good idea what's about to happen. It's been long enough, and the princess is stable, if a little weak and still recovering from broken ribs. She'll recover, though. It's only a matter of time now.

Rikuto sighs, fidgeting with his hands in front of him. It's clear it wasn't his decision, so much as a balancing act. One life versus the stability of the kingdom, which is based largely on the loyalties of the nobility.

That said, it's clear Rikuto doesn't want to admit the results of the discussions. He's not Daniel's enemy. Daniel has never believed that. But of course, Rikuto has to behave like a king, now that the responsibility has been placed upon his shoulders.

He sighs softly once more. "Daniel, I'm sorry. I... I have to send you... to the front lines."

Daniel remains silent, acknowledging the statement with a nod.

"I didn't want to do this. But, Duke Ekstragar is saying that... ugh... That Princess Erimaya is no longer fit to marry his son. And, the other nobles are enraged by the assault on her dignity." He shakes his head. "I remember similar... strict and intolerant philosophies on Earth. But,..." He rubs his temples, grumbling in frustration.

Right now, it's just Daniel, Rikuto, and the Prime Minister, Tulaxxas. Rikuto didn't want any outbursts from anyone else, and Tulaxxas, a native of this world, is serving as witness that Rikuto is informing Daniel.

Daniel states softly, "I understand, Rikuto-san. Er, Tachibana-san. I thank you that I am able to still draw breath."

The weary King Regent murmurs in disgust, "For how long, I can't guarantee..."

Daniel chuckles uneasily. He's not excited about being shipped out to the edge of the world, but he speaks sincerely. "I'm still alive. I'll do my best to figure something out. Same as always."

Rikuto scoffs. "See that you do. And, while you're at it, I won't complain if you save the world."

They both chuckle together. "No promises, your majesty."

Tulaxxas speaks respectfully, "Mister Daniel. You'll be taken by prison carriage to Fort Twilight, a fort holding a valley at the border between the Empire and the demon wildlands. Your escort will be holding you prisoner, but they're not to harm you during the journey. The commanding officer of the fort will be informed of... the nature of your station there. You may be met with some hostility."

Daniel asks for clarification, "Am I a slave?"

"No. But you are expected to obey lawful orders of those stationed over you. That will be most of the personnel there, unfortunately."

Daniel nods respectfully. "Very well. Thank you for the warning, Prime Minister."

Rikuto murmurs softly, "Daniel... There's another reason I had this room cleared."

"I'm not running away."

"Think about it... With your skills..."

"I'm a terrible liar. I wouldn't blend in better than a [Tyrannosaurus Rex] here."

Rikuto is silent, leaning forward on the throne. He smirks. "You know, dragons... A T-rex might blend in well enough..."

Daniel chuckles. "I'll go quietly. I once used to believe in subtle signs from the universe. Nothing so fancy as fate or anything, but small signs. This feels like one of them."

Rikuto sighs, looking down into his own hands. He glances at the Prime Minister, but the latter doesn't say anything.

"There's... a prophecy." Rikuto looks at Daniel after saying this. He corrects himself, "Or rather, a mere foresight of a fortuneteller of this world. Has anyone told you?"

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