Chapter One

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   "Kasumi hurry up, we need to leave!" Enari called down the hall. "Coming!" I yelled back leaving my room. Running down the hall and down the stairs, out to the bikes where everyone was waiting. Climbing on my bike before setting off with the others, to do our rounds. Stopping at a light looking around feeling off about one of the dark side streets.
        As the light changed and the others road ahead, I broke off from the group, slowly going down the street. Looking down an alleyway seeing two men pinning a woman to a wall. Parking my bike, getting off with my baton in hand, while walking towards them with my blood boiling. "Oi! Let her go, you slimy fucks," I yelled catching their attention.
        As they turned towards me with wicked smiles, giving the woman enough time to run away. Looking them over as they stalked towards me seeing them both with vials of Redrum in their hands. "Hurting woman & selling drug on our territory," I huffed swinging my baton at the blonde closest to me, breaking his vial.
        "You bitch!" He growled at me while taking a swing. Side stepping him slamming my baton into his back, before swinging it at the other man, hitting the wall instead. Feeling a needle jabbed into my neck before I had time to react. Groaning while I stepped forward dropping my weapon while turning around.
        "What did you give me?" I seethed glaring at the two men. "Let the fun begin," The red head chuckled darkly. Feeling my body start getting heavy as my vison started growing hazzy, sent me stumbling backwards towards my bike, as they stalked towards me.
        "Stay away from me," I stated tripping over my own feet falling to the ground. Panic setting in as I crawled back towards my bike, keeping my eyes trained on the men coming at me. "Stay away," I slurred as I slumped against my bike, unable to move as the blonde grabbed ahold of me.
         "Kasumi!" I heard someone call in the distance. "Help," I slurred while I was lifted up. "Let's have fun shall we," The blonde chuckled while carrying me down the alleyway, with the red chuckling beside us. "Go hide her bike," He barked at the red head as the sound of my name being called grew closer.
           Watching as he dropped me on the ground proping me against a wall, before taking my jacket off of me. Feeling my shirt tugged off of me next caused a chill to run down my spine as my skin hit the cold wall. Tears started slipping from my eyes as I watched in fear, as his hands reached for my pants.
         Before he could do more there was a ruckus at the other end of the alley, causing the man to run to help his friend. "Go get Kasumi," Someone sounding like Rocky ordered. Within a few moments the blurred figure of Enari putting my jacket back on me, before picking me up.
         "Drugs," I slurred as my eyes closed more. Enari emitting a low growl while glaring off towards the two men. Walking up to Rocky whispering something in his ear before glancing down at me. "Who drugged her," Rocky growled stepping towards the men. Neither of them saying anything caused Rocky to growl again before slamming his cane into both men.
         "Take the trash out," He retorted before walking away with Enari carrying me to his bike. Enari placing me in front of Rocky on his bike before we took off back home. Once back Rocky carried me up to my room, placing me on my bed, taking a seat in the chair next to the bed. "I'm staying with you tonight, so go ahead and sleep. I'll be here when you wake up," He whispered as I faded into sleep.


             I was walking home alone after work down the dark streets of my neighborhood, being pulled into an alley getting a hand slapped over my mouth. Looking at a man with split dyed hair staring at me with his finger held up to his lips, causing me to nod. "There's bad men ahead," He whispered while taking his hand away from my mouth.
           Glancing at him while pushing myself against the wall, before darting my eyes around for a way to escape. "I wont hurt you. Let me walk you home. If my boss finds out I could've stopped a woman from getting hurt, and didn't I'm dead," He stated while looking at me. "Okay," I whispered while eyeing him.
          "Shall we?" He questioned giving a soft smile. Nodding while taking off leading the way to my house. "Why are you out this late alone anyways?" He questioned next to me. "I work late after classes, cause I'm raising my nephew, Minoru," I stated with a sigh. "What about his parents?" He questioned while looking at me.
         "His mom died in childbirth, my older brother Kentaro, his father disappeared when he was two. Both my parents are dead, so he only has me," I stated as we got closer to the house. "How old is he now?" He questioned. "He's 14," I stated while glancing at him. As he went to say something else my phone rang.
          "Moshimoshi, Minoru what's wrong?" I answered while glancing at the man next to me. "There's someone bangging on the door trying to break in," Minoru replied in a panic.
         "Grab your knife and hide. I'm almost home," I stated before ending the call. Tucking my phone away as I started sprinting down the street, with the guy chasing after me. Rounding the corner seeing two men dressed in black outfront of the house, causing a low growl to escape me.
           "Oi!" I yelled throwing my bag at them. "You bitch!" The burnette grumbled while stalking towards me. Before he got too close he was kicked to the side by the guy that walked me home. "Are you crazy?" He questioned while glancing at me. Clicking my tongue and chuckling.
           "Yes," I replied going over to the blonde on the door step. "It's not nice to break into someones house," I huffed while punching him in the jaw. Causing him to take a swing at me, dodging while kicking his feet from under him. Glancing back seeing the burnette on the ground, and the guy walking me home now watching me with an amused look.
           Feeling a puch to my jaw causing me to stumble back slightly. "Bastard," I huffed punching blondy in the temple, causing him to fall to the ground in a heap. Shaking my head before unlocking the door and heading inside.
           "Minoru it's safe you can come out now!" I called down the hall. Before long he came running out of his hiding spot, colliding into me with teary eyes. "Please stop working so late," He cried wrapping his arms around me. "I'll try my best to get off earlier," I spoke while wiping his tears away.
          "There's still a bad guy!" Minoru yelled pointing his knife towards the door. Looking at the guy in the doorway shaking my head. "He helped protect me from the men trying to break in," I stated taking his knife from him. Minoru glanced up at me for a moment before bowing to the man.
         "I'm sorry," He stated softly, getting a nod and soft smile from the guy in return. "Come in, I'm making dinner. Take it as a thank you," I spoke going into the kitchen. Hearing the door close and him appear next to me. "What's your name?" He questioned while leaning against the counter.
            "Kasumi. Yours?" I replied while putting rice in a pan, with some veggies and meat. "Enari, it's nice to meet you Kasumi," He spoke while going to sit next to Minoru. "Nice meeting you as well," I spoke with a small smile. Once the food was done I plated it up for everyone, taking it over to the table.
           "Minoru don't forget about your training tomorrow after school," I stated while we started eating. "Okay," He stated while taking a big bite of food. "What training?" Enari questioned with a raised brow. " He's training to fight, he's going to Oya High next year," I stated taking a bite of food. "Oya is too dangerous," Enari retorted.
          "My brother went there. Minoru wants to experience the school his father went too," I stated getting a nod from both of them. Once everyone was done eating Minoru said bye to Enari before heading to bed. "I have to go, but I'll come by again," Enari spoke while waving bye to me and leaving out the door.

~End of Dream~

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