'I know Shika I've hurt you!!! But believe me I did not mean to... I just...I am...I....Your grandfather...I...'

'You are a coward Karthik!!! Just because there was an objection from my grandfather you walked away. Not once did you care to think what I thought about you!!!' I said as now non stop tears rolled down my cheeks.

Karthik took a step closer and confessed
'No baby!!! I just...I'm a middle class man!!! An average looking, middle class man. There is nothing special about me. Neither am I influential, powerful nor do I have the swag neither money. There was no way that I could compete against Nayaks!!!' He said in a small voice when I yelled

'But why the heck did you even wanna compete??? Are you a fool Karthik?Nayaks were never in the arena!!! Forget Nayaks...there was no one other than you Karthik. It was always you!!! When I didn't realise, when I realised or for that matter after you messed it up.

But now!!! There's not even you!!! I have decided I don't want any man! Especially you!!! So just stay away from me!!!' I announced when he pulled me closer saying

'Shika I'm here to take you home!!!'

'And I'm home!!! This is my new home!!! Phulvaspura!!! I'm not going anywhere with you!!!' Saying I started walking away when he grabbed me closer and pressed his forehead against mine and whispered

'Shikha please!!! I know I hurt you a lot but please let me correct my mistake baby!!! Please!!!' He said trying to caress my cheek with his thumb finger but I swat his hand away saying

'I know I'm a teacher but you are not a school kid whom I could punish with a homework or an imposition!!! You're a grown up ass of a man Karthik!!! So stop asking for forgiveness!!! Because I'm not angry with you. I'm heartbroken and things broken cannot be mended!!! So please stop creating a scene!!! I have students waiting for me!!!' Saying I pushed him away and rushed towards the staff room. My eyes went moist as I recalled his words but I didn't want to get hurt again.

I have accepted the fact that I'm not meant for love and I didn't want to complicate things.

I was sitting in the staffroom when the clock ticked 11!!! I was asked to again take up the class for the students I taught today morning as their maths teacher was on leave. However the moment I walked towards the classroom I noticed a crowd of kids giggling and laughing. It looked like a chaos.

I walked into the classroom thinking of disciplining them but was left speechless at the sight infront of me. Karthik had his hands raised up in the air and was kneeling down on the floor.

What the???

I saw all the kids were laughing at him and he like an idiot was also laughing.

Idiot!!! Donkey!!! Monkey!!!

'Just shutup!!!' I yelled at him and then turned around saying

'What the hell is happening here?' I raised my voice and suddenly the class went silent. However I heard a soft chuckle and I turned around and shot him a glare. He slowly placed his index finger on his lips and pretended not to laugh. I swear I wanted to smash his head to the blackboard.

'Kids!!! I want you to look for 5 new phrases and make sentences on them!!! Each bench would make a team!!!' I announced and they quickly got busy with their work when I raised an eyebrow looking at the manchild kneeling down, he gulped and I rolled my eyes saying

'Do you need special instructions??? Follow me!!! NOW!!!' Saying I walked out of the classroom and I heard footsteps following me. We reached the other end of corridor which had the staircase to the backyard and had no crowd when I turned around to see him with a finger on his lips and a cute pout.

Eighteen Minus (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now