look alive and come with me

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X woke to the sound of utter confusion. A cacophony of voices that were all asking the same question, while all not making any sense at all. Opening his eyes didn't serve much help either. He was simply looking up at a plain white ceiling. Now understanding that he had been laying down, X carefully worked himself up into a sitting position. He let out a low groan as a bout of dizziness hit him. It felt like someone had hit him with a truck. What happened before now?

"Another one's awake!" someone called. "The last guy is awake now!"

Blinking, X looked around him and was shocked to discover he wasn't alone. There around him were 13 other people. Some were sitting like he was -looking no less bewildered-, others were walking around as they tried to piece together where they were. The one who had spoken earlier was already happily getting closer to X. They looked to be a teenaged boy with orange-ish brown hair that stuck every which way at the back of his head.

"Hey there," the boy greeted with a wide grin, offering his hand out to X. "The name's Axl. You need a hand up?"

"Y-yeah. Thanks."

"Not a problem," Axl proclaimed as he held his smile.

Now standing, X had a better understanding of just who was in the room with him. The variation was... a bit overwhelming.

"So that makes 14 of us." one of the strangers remarked. His hair was a dark blue, covered by a fedora that slightly hid his red eyes. "Is that correct?"

"Well, no one else is still conked out on the floor, that's for sure." Axl mused in agreement.

"I agree!" said a girl with bright yellow hair that flew behind her like seraph wings. "I counted five people still asleep when I woke up, and now everyone I can see are awake. That means all of us are awake now."

"Then we should probably start the introductions," suggested a girl with blonde hair that she kept up in a loose bun, and dark blue eyes that illustrated she knew business. "My name is Alia."

"Zero." a guy standing near the wall, sporting long blonde hair he kept in a low ponytail, told them all in a toneless voice.

"You can call me Spider." the guy with the fedora nodded.

"Axl!" Axl piped up, even throwing his arm in the air.

"Cinnamon!" the girl with seraph hair chimed in, inspired by Axl's gusto.

A girl with turquoise hair that looped much like a squirrel's tail gave a small snort before saying, "The name's Marino."

"You can call me Massimo," another guy told them. His body spoke well to his name, being quite bulky and massive in comparison to X's own stature.

"My mother said I was Vile," a boy with a purple motorcycle helmet on said, "So I guess that's what you can call me."

"Oh, be nice to yourself!" a girl with a high voice told him. Her hair was pulled back into two high pigtails, pink accents were printed onto the tips and center of each pigtail. "I'm Pallette. It's very nice to meet all of you, for whatever reason we're meeting."

"My name is Iris," a girl with long brown hair and sparkling green eyes shyly introduced.

"I'm Layer," an equally shy girl also piped up. The bangs of her purple hair hid a good portion of her eyes- it was a wonder if she was able to see at all.

"And I guess you can call me Dynamo." a guy with well groomed silver-blue hair greeted with a wink.

Alia gave a nod. Her eyes scanned the room as she took stock of them all.

"Is that everyone?" she asked.

"Feels like it." Massimo agreed.

"Wait!" Axl proclaimed. He took X's wrist rather quickly before thrusting it into the air, "There's still a guy over here!"

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