Chapter 13

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Several times Destha tried to leave Anita's house, with many reasons to her, but she was always forced to stay, and especially Anita's brother, Surya, is now also asking Destha to just stay temporarily in this house. Inevitably destha gave in, forced to just stay at anita's house.

The dining room of Anita's family is so spacious, very large and very luxurious, even when in Anita's room, and the hallway leading to her dining room, which is luxurious enough for Destha to be overwhelmed by it.

There are three people already sitting in the dining table chairs, it can be seen that the two people are Anita's father and mother and one of them is her sister because her height is around junior high school students.

"father, mother, and .... brother."

("it's her brother...")

The situation was so awkward in the dining room, Anita's father, mother and brother just looked at them without saying a word.

"Dad, mom, this is Anita's friend, maybe you already know her name is Destha, so-"

"Yes, I already know suryaa."

Seeing Surya so different from before and smiling wryly, Anita also looked so awkward, Destha could tell who the real boss was in this room, especially at Surya's words that had offended her Name.

Surya, Anita and Destha sat in a row at the dining table, the three of them ate, Destha was told from the beginning that there were no special rules that applied in the meal, but the atmosphere was so quiet without anyone talking like that part became its own rule.

Finished with the food, Anita's father and mother got up from the chair to go out of the dining room, while Anita's other brother remained seated, and instead looked at Destha.

("Why again...")

"You know what you're doing... making trouble"

Anita was silent and so was Destha, her tone was sharp and her eyes glazed over as if threatening.

"Their family, with its group of underlings-"

"Ray, we're eating, so can you keep your mouth shut?"

Surya replied to Ray's words, so harshly and sharply.

Ray looked so complicated in his expression that he stood up from the dining table.

"I know you love our sister Anita, but you-"

"If you want to go, just go."

Ray was so annoyed after getting a strong response from Surya that he immediately left the dining room, leaving the three of them still eating. Anita and Surya smiled at each other at the scene, realizing how similar they both were with such behavior.




In the morning, Destha got ready in his room that had been provided by Anita's family. A luxurious room with complete furniture and a bathtub bathroom.

Having a drink with Anita's family, Destha was ready to go to school. With his neat and new clothes, he was surprised before the maids brought very nice new clothes into his room, while he was changing.

The previous school clothes were already dirty and full of blood, but overnight Destha herself washed her clothes in the place where the servants used to wash. And she had no idea at all that she would be given a new school uniform.

"No wonder Anita was grinning to herself"

If perhaps Destha had been told earlier, she might not have bothered to remove the blood stains from her clothes.

Anita broke the door into the room to pull Destha out of her room.

"What time did you wash your clothes last night?"

Anita's mocking smile was plastered on her face.

("If I'm not helped, I won't be given new clothes ha..., so be it.")

2 school clothes to wear, destha was quite happy about that.

"let's go"


"Why, let's go up already?"

Anita disapproved of her brother driving her to school, as evidenced by her sigh and annoyed look on her face.

Destha himself could not comment on anything seeing the incident and more followed Anita from behind.

"Don't be angry like that, nit, after all, I also promised not to bother you"

"Yes, yes, let's ride Des"

On the way to school, Surya's sister continued to hum happily while occasionally looking at the windshield, to see where Anita and Destha were sitting.

"You two just be ready, there will definitely be problems at school."


Anita nodded in response to Surya's statement, and Destha also replied with an answer.

Destha knew what the consequences would be at school and in her life after this, since the beginning He decided to fight, He had prepared for the worst that would happen later. destha hoped that anita's family would really help handle this, even though anitaa was also involved in this problem, destha was afraid that anita would leave her to handle this case alone with anita who got away with it.

Therefore he still prayed and hoped that Anita's family would continue to help block the case completely for Destha.

The school is now so crowded by several policemen and people in suits, it's true what surya said after a while his car entered the school and anita and surya got out of the car several people dressed in suits approached him.

"Anita and Destha? Can you come for a moment?"


Both of them nodded and went to follow the two people in suits, leaving Surya alone outside the car.

"You're not going to stay still, are you?"

"Of course..."

"This problem is bad enough Surya..., if-"

"Yes, yes, yes, you know..., the older you get, the more chatty you get."


With the slightly shabby shirt on, the man left where Surya was, and Surya got into the car, driving away from the school.

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