24 ೃ⁀➷

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twenty four

Scrunching your face up, you shifted in your uncomfortable position, trying to ignore the distant noise. Soon enough, the noise stopped, and you thought you could finally fall back asleep. That was until a sudden breeze brushed against your skin as you heard another noise. This time, it was the hiss of the passenger door being opened. With an annoyed expression, you flutter your eyes, revealing a world still blurred and hazy from sleep.

Where am I?

You squinted your eyes as they struggled to open, growing confused as you took in your surroundings. It was dark, and as you glanced at the empty seat next to you, it made you even more confused. The last thing you remembered was being at the club with your fiancé. That was until you spotted a figure in the corner of your eyes. Shifting your gaze toward the passenger door, you immediately recognized him as you took in the sight of him.

That's right, I was with him.

Even though it was dark, you could still make out the surprised expression on his face as he locked his eyes with yours. It seemed like he didn't mean to wake you up or expect you to wake up. But it wasn't long before his expression softened as the corners of his lips twitched upward into a faint smile.

"Go back to sleep. I'll take care of everything," Dabi whispered, his words laced with gentleness, soothing your anxious heart.

Stupid voice of his, you cursed in your mind, too tired to do anything. Or at least that was the best excuse you came up with as you gave in, listening to his words as you allowed yourself to be enveloped by his care. Though you were still upset at him, that can wait for tomorrow while you catch up on some sleep.

Suddenly, you felt his arms around you, scooping you up as he embraced you in a bridal hold. As expected, you could never bring yourself to hate his touch. It was as if you felt safer in his arms than anywhere else. And just this time, you told yourself it was okay to feel comfort in his touch. And before you knew it, you rested your head on his firm shoulder before your memories blurred.


Slowly, you opened your eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep as your vision became clear. You then realized you were in a different room, which looked awfully familiar. Then, your gaze traveled to the other side of the room and landed on Dabi, peacefully sleeping on a separate mattress.

Without a doubt, your heart skipped a beat as your chest tightened. You've never thought there'd come a day when you'd find his presence suffocating, but here you were, regretting your actions from last night.

As if his presence wasn't enough, memories of the first time you've spent the weekend with Dabi in a ryokan flooded your mind. The tenderness, the warmth, and the passion you've once had with him was now a distant dream. Even breathing became difficult as you struggled to fight the urge to not break down.

Hastily, you threw the covers off and quietly slipped out of the room, not wanting to wake Dabi up. The last thing you'd want was to confront him first thing in the morning. You needed space. You needed time to process your thoughts and emotions without his presence. Frankly, you weren't sure what you'd say if he were to speak to you. Would you cave into your selfish desires and forgive him, or simply walk away?

After wandering for some time, you came across a bathhouse. The thought of soaking in the warm waters was tempting as you needed to freshen up. Moreover, it was an opportunity to wash away the horrifying occurrence of last night. Especially your fiancé's unwanted touch on your body.

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