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Shreyas's age- 19years
Bhumi- 16years

Shreyas had grown up a lot and a lot has changed. He had started playing a bit more severe roles in matches and had started gaining recognition. But somethings never change, like his usual banter with Bhumi.

Bhumi had started learning kathak and found interest in singing too. She has won many dance competitions since her first a year back. Be it school, inter school or State competition.

But since Shreyas had completed his schooling, he got even less moments to spend with her. He still picks her up from her Dance classes and it gets quite late for them to come home.

Shreyas loved to just stare at her sometimes, he even had a small picture of her in his wallet which he had manged to hide from his family. Somewhere in his heart he was even scared that what if she doesn't feel the same way about him?

Nah! He wasn't at all scared of it cause he knew her Better than she knew herself. He could read her face just by looking at it, it wasn't heard at all. He had known her for 5 years now.

He always noticed the way she would blush whenever Shreyas said something sweetly, how her cheeks heat up when he would compliment her which was very rare since he likes to keep his thoughts to himself to not showcase feelings.

What he loved to notice is that when she gets jealous, whenever she sees a girl talking to him. Being just 16 and not comprehending the feeling of jelaousy. Shreyas knew it all too well. Especially when he once was of her age and would get jelaous not knowing what even Jealousy was. (It's 2014 y'all so no k-drama to depict the meaning of jelaousy)

Shreshtha was still Bhumi's closest friend. The two were always close and it did not change.

Shreyas knew her. He knew she felt something too, she just needs to realise it and she can have all the time she wants. He is willing to wait.

Bhumi was a lot troubled then him, she had started to figure out her feelings for Shreyas. Like when she used to run to her terrace when Shreyas used to play on the ground.

Or when he used to talk to her sweetly and Never scold her. And everything about him.

She felt so sad thinking Shreyas would never like her the way she does. Let's face it, they had an age gap of three years. And she always thought that she was not pretty enough.

She was returning with him and ut had got a lot later since Shreyas practice lasted for 2 more hours. It was 09:00 at night, the two were at the Station to take a local home. It was a lot busier so Shreyas held her hand tightly.

He was walking right behind her, hands around her shoulder so she doesn't get pushed away.

They got on the local and Shreyas asked her to sit on the chairs and he himself stood near the door. She reluctantly walked towards the empty chair and sat on it.

The train stopped at a station and Shreyas was feeling thirsty, his bottle was finished. He got down from the train to fill the bottle quickly.

Bhumi was unaware of this as she looked towards the other side of the station from the window.

Shreyas was filling his bottle as he looked at the train. He got a bit flown by with his thoughts of the upcoming selections for Under 19 world Cup.

He didn't notice when the train had started, but when he did. It was too late. He ran behind it with all his might but lost the train. His blood ran cold at the thought of Bhumi alone on the train. He didn't even tell her. He face palmed harshly.

Here Bhumi looked back to where Shreyas was standing to find the place taken by someone else. Her breath hitched in fear, she looked around for him.

Getting up as she picked Shreyas Cricket kit with her and looked around the compartment to see that he was nowhere to be seen. She got scared not knowing where he was.

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