“We came to study.”

Cathy gave James a skeptical look. “Both of you?”

“What, you don’t think I study?” James questioned.

“I was just surprised that you could even read.” Cathy said.

“See this is why you don’t any friends.” James shot back.

“James!” Euphemia scolded her son.

“Sorry.” James apologized weakly.

“James come on.” Remus said.

“It’s okay.” Cathy said returning her attention to her book and the worksheet. “I deserved that. It’s a sensitive topic for him after all.”

“Moony let’s go.” James called after his friend. “Where’s that book you were telling me about? The one with…” James stopped talking as he glanced at his sister. “…that thing you told me about.”

Remus looked back to Cathy and smiled. “Bye.”

“Bye.” Cathy said not sparing them a glance.

Once the two fifth year boys left, Regulus looked over his shoulder at the back of Cathy’s head.

“Hey.” He whispered. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Cathy said sounding completely fine. “I stopped letting James get to me a long time ago.”

“Okay.” Regulus said letting the matter go. He looked down at his work and a thought came to him. “Hey Catherine.”


“I’ve been wondering this for a while now but who taught you to read Ancient Runes?” he enquired. “I mean you don’t take the class but you’re way better at it than I am.”

“I’m sort of a natural when it comes to Ancient Runes.” Cathy said. “I wish I took it but by the time I found out that I was good at it, half the term was over and it was too late to switch.”

“Pity.” Regulus said. “I think you would have been quite good considering how fast you translate runes with that book.”

“What book?”

Regulus turned back to Cathy.

“The one you’re reading.”

Cathy laughed quietly. “This one?” Cathy passed the book through the shelf over to Regulus.

Regulus took the book and read the title of the book. Advanced Potion Making by Libatius Borage.

“Wait then how was she translating the runes?” Remus wondered.

“Isn’t this for sixth years? What are you doing with it?”

“Just a hobby.” Cathy placed her hand on top of the books between them and Regulus passed her the book back. “Thanks.”

“Wait if you’re not using a book to transcribe the runes, then how are you doing it?” Regulus asked.

Cathy smiled and looked down at the worksheet she had.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

The camera adjusted itself and showed the worksheet from Cathy’s point of view. The runes on the page were glowing in red and were moving on the page and breaking apart and reforming themselves to form words in English.


“That’s amazing!”

A lot of people in the audience were amazed at the sight of how Cathy was translating the runes.

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