“Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us.” Ron said.

“Silence!” Snape snapped annoyed by all the replies the boys were giving him. “I assure you, that were you in Slytherin, and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home tonight. As it is—"

Abruptly, the doors to the dungeon banged open startling everyone. The five occupants of the dungeon turned and saw that Cathy poked her head inside and smiled when she spotted the boys.

Cathy stepped into the cold classroom and turned behind her back to call out to the two wizards she had brought with her.

“Dumbles, Minnie, check it out! Party in the dungeons and we weren’t invited!”

“Oh, thank god Cathy’s here.” James sighed. “Never thought I’d ever say that.”

Snape slumped back on his seat and rubbed his eyes in an exhausted manner. Harry and the other boys on the other hand were glad to see Cathy’s arrival.

Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall entered the classroom behind Cathy. Snape immediately stood up straight at the arrival of the two senior wizard and witch.

“Professor Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall.” Harry said. “Aunt Cathy.”

“Headmaster, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry.” Snape declared. “As such—”

Dumbledore held up one hand to stop Severus mid-sentence. “I am well aware of our bylaws, Severus, why Catherine and I wrote quite a few of them ourselves. However, as head of Gryffindor house, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action.”

“I can’t wait for my future.” Cathy smiled proudly.

Ron’s expression changed to one of defeat and sadness. “We’ll go and get our stuff, then.”

“What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?” Professor McGonagall said.

“You’re going to expel us, aren’t you?”

The transfiguration professor looked at the redhead and shook her head. “Not today, Mr. Weasley. But I must impress on all of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your family tonight and you will all receive detention.”

“If that’ll be all, perhaps we should all go and enjoy the feast, hmm?” Cathy suggested.

“An excellent idea.” Dumbledore smiled.

He and professor McGonagall left first and Cathy and boys followed after. As soon as they left the dungeons. Neville hugged Cathy and burst into tears.

“Oh the poor thing!” Alice looked sad at the sight of Neville crying.

Cathy leaned forward and slapped Severus on the head.

“Ow!” Severus cried. “What was that for?”

“You made a little kid cry.” Cathy said.

“Oh, there’s no need for the tears Neville.” Cathy said soothingly.

“Come on, Nev.” Ryan said. “Everything’s been sorted.”

“Not everything.” Cathy smiled. “Harry, Ryan, Ron, come here.”

“Is she gonna hug them too?” Peter wondered.

The three boys came closer to Cathy and immediately her smile vanished. Cathy made her hand into a fist and banged against each of their heads in a fast pace.

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