History; P1C1 (1/2)

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"Isn't he adorable?" Akasha Degazo asked. Her skin was beautifully pale, her long jet black locks sitting on her shoulders contrastingly, while her eyes were the telltale sign of vampire royalty, who's royal blue blood affected the eyes. Rather than the usual red, they were a shimmery forest green. Her nose was thin and roman, her cheekbones high and aristocratic.

Her husband, Tom Riddle, a newly turned vampire if his red eyes had anything to go by, stared down at the bundle of blankets she held, a baby's face amidst the mess. Tom had fluffy dark brown hair, a straight nose, and a strong jawline. Both were tall people, so it was no surprise when their baby came out quite large.

The baby was slightly chubby, with a tuft of curly jet black hair and the trademark eyes of royalty from his mother. He had gotten his nose from her too, making Tom wonder if he had helped make the child at all.

"He is." He finally replied.

"I know he's a boy, but-" Akasha started.

"We're not naming him Harley." Tom replied immediately.

"It's a unisex name." She replied.

"It's a girl's name."

"Tom, I gave birth to him."

"He is also my child."

"Can I bribe you?"


"Hmm... I'll make those pancakes you like every morning. And we can call him Harry as a nickname."

"Well... Those pancakes are tasty." Tom blushed as he replied. He was too easily convinced, but he couldn't help it. Akasha had become his weakness and his strength, and now so was their baby. Her beautiful shining puppy dog eyes always just got the best of him.

"Yay!" She cheered in an immature fashion before quickly writing down the name they chose on the hospital form before he could change his mind.

"Did you put him down as Harley Degazo?" Tom asked.

"No. Harley Adonis Riddle." She replied with a sweet smile.

"Aww, you made his middle name the name I chose..." Tom's heart melted at her every word, especially in moments like these.

Despite their strong love, their time with their son only lasted roughly a year. On the night of their second Samhain together, A bearded man in a lavender robe swooped into their home through the window.

As he appeared in the child's nursery, he noticed Akasha sleeping helplessly on the couch beside the crib, where Harley stared up at him with curious eyes. In a quick and silent green spell, Akasha's already relaxed body fell to the ground with a heavy thud, her body now lifeless. The baby continued to stare at the man, unafraid.

"Akasha? What happened? Are you and Harry okay?" The old man heard the woman's husband call from some other room in the house.

When the lifeless woman didn't reply, footsteps could be heard approaching the door.

With no time to do what he came for, the old man grabbed the child from out of his crib and began to apparate back to where he came from, only catching a glimpse of the man known as Lord Voldemort before disappearing completely.

Sitting down at his desk, with Harley in his arms, he reflected on his night. The office was big, and filled with strange gadgets that all had some unknown purpose, a bowl of lemon drops on his desk.

He had already killed James and Lily Potter on the speculation of treason against him without a hitch, but his second plan of the night to rid the world of the dark power that was Harley had slightly failed.

Riddle was already far too powerful for him to face, and Degazo had a whole other power that he did not wish to exist, so of course their lovechild would be the end of his reign.

While Degazo was dead, it had been in a time where she was utmost vulnerable. Tom Riddle and Harley Riddle were the only people the old man would admit to being more powerful then he.

He placed Harley down on his chair before stepping back just slightly and lifting his wand to face the child. The elder wand. No duel could be lost with such an object, especially not against a baby. The baby laughed, as if laughing at the old man.

The usual twinkle from his eyes gone, he spoke the words of the unforgivable curse of death.

"Avada Kedavra."

He watched as the green light shot towards Harley and hit him before consuming him. Satisfied, he smiled for a moment. Though, the moment quickly ended when he heard the infant laugh once again.

As the green light subsided, the baby sat there, unharmed other than a bleeding cut that ran from his hairline down through his eye in the shape of a realistic lighting bolt. He grimaced before thinking.

If the child wouldn't die, he could use the child as a weapon against Voldemort instead. Though, how would that be possible? Quickly, he concocted a false narrative.

With a prolonged glamour spell and some other manipulative elements, Harley became Harry James Potter, Son of James and Lily Potter, who were killed by Voldemort due to a prophecy. With all his other living relatives dead, and his godfather imprisoned through Dumbledore's iron hold on the court, he would be placed with Lily's horrid sister and brought up in a traumatic situation. Then, when the time has come, Harry would come to Hogwarts where he would meet the old man, who would act as a grandfather of sorts until the inevitable war and death of both Voldemort and Harry.

With a grin, Dumbledore released his power across the entirety of Hogwarts, letting the memories of all inside alter to become what he wanted, relying on the belief that all teachers were at Hogwarts at this late hour. Taking McGonagall and Harry Potter with him, he apparated to the residence of Petunia Dursley.

"Dumbledore, is it wise to place Harry with these people? They don't seem friendly." McGonagall voiced her concerns.

"Minerva, they are his only living relatives. They are family. They will love him just like they love their own son." Dumbledore replied, watching from the darkness outside as a lit window in the house displayed a fat little baby throwing a temper tantrum for his horse-faced mother, who had most likely not heated his puree correctly.

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