15: Hyungs

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"Where is he?!" The angry roar of a man shocked everyone in the camp.

For Choi Jung Soo , living with his family is the best and worth of all, even if he sacrifice his life for them he will not regret it. He is ready to die for his new found family in the apocalypse, he will become a bait, the fighter, the vanguard, even to be the villain to others, but he'll never abandon his family. However, after mission worth of months to accomplish, they came back and learned that their younger brother who was sick and weak before they left, was kicked out in their own camp just because he became a tyrant and a pervert?! Who the hell are these people crying over something impossible in the first place? Who the fuck said that?! Their brother is a pure man, he's too lazy to begin with to climb on top. These people will pay.

Rok Soo never and might will never want any contact from any kinds of humans, he knows that, even if they teased him with someone he will react as a disgusted and offended man and pout for hours, and he might be on bad mood from seeing them just because of the teasing even with the most beautiful woman in the world. He really hated being paired up with someone.

"You got to be kidding me?! You kicked him out when we're his brother?! We made this camp out of nowhere! We made this camp to shelter those who's in need and I was only hoping for cooperation and return the good deeds we are giving to all of you! And you kicked our innocent brother because someone rejected him and he's a pervert?! Are you making me laugh?! Then HA! HA! HA! HA! IS THAT ENOUGH?! WHO IS IT?! WHO MADE MY BROTHER LEAVE HERE? WHO?!"

Choi Jung Soo, one of the strongest, purest Angel of the camp, is their vanguard and the co-founder of the camp. He is chill, kind and generous to others. He isn't supposed to be like this.

However they pushed his unknown bottons. And they couldn't touch him or see him in the eyes.

"We are investigating this, don't ever try to escape, face everything you owe us" Lee Soo Hyuk eyed them. They felt their world's doom.

Everyone in the camp felt it, the anger of the oldest of the Soos. And they couldn't believe what have they done to them.

They  tried to beg forgiveness, it almost work on the purest angel, but Lee Soo Hyuk is the leader, and he isn't that soft like his brothers, he has a heart of steel. And he is the one who makes the verdict and rules.

He kicked out the betrayers out the camp and changed the camps layout immediately to prevent them breaking in.

The ear to ear unforced everyday smile of Choi Jung Soo is nowhere to be found, he is very burdened of the unfortunate fate of the snakes, but Lee Soo Hyuk assures him that it isn't his fault.

"Our Rok Soo, I know he is just out there, he might be waiting for our return, he must be worried for us, he might be frightened, scared..." Choi Jung Soo said, because he knew it, the youngest isn't the one to kick the bucket first, even with the curse of laziness, he has the will to live on now, because they will become farmers together in the country side. However he was weak and sick, who knows how will he survive, the surrounding buildings are wiped out because of their daily raids. Where could he have been to survive.
"But we can't just leave this camp, this is our safe place right now l, and we don't know about the things around us, we left for a month, we could only rely on with each other now, even grandma Kim isn't fit to overlook the camp, we can't trust anybody here..." Lee Soo Hyuk is too stressed out, then he felt a hand on his shoulder
"Hyuk, we need to relax, we might have been betrayed by those who we fed on our hands, but there might be someone who could manage while we find Rok Soo" Jung Soo calms him

"... You're right, haaa..." He breathes.
"We need to plan this out"


"Father, the last Intel said it was here. How will we find him here?" Beacrox asked his father, looking at the ruined city.

"Trial and error will be the nicest try we could do for now, but we should rest for now, the zombies are still out there"

"Okay..." Beacrox piped down as he clench his teeth, he wants to punch someone, maybe someone who is the real piece of shit that started this.

Everything is ruined, even him knows that it'll be hard to survive, and he knows what he should do now, prepare himself for the worst, and make those people pay. For their clan, and for their young puppy.

"Old man, why do the name of my home country is in the Intel? My country is not that heartless to its citizens!" Choi Han got confused and irritated, his peaceful home country isn't like that. He wants answer.

"Horse down young man" the old man growls at him
"How could my country be the suspect of this world wide zombie apocalypse conspiracy?"

"They are only here and the country isn't even the suspect, they are also victims, use your head mutt" Beacrox wants to smack his back head

Choi Han feeling it covered his head with his arms.



"I don't know, and you also don't know, so fuck off, my only mission is to find my young puppy and come back in his home, and you, you're hired to find him too, and we are only here for only job"


"There must be something going on there" Ron murmured to himself

"Ready to land.... Get ready"

The party of 10 people are there to find their young master.

Will they find him?
Will they be able to take him back?

RokSooCale : My Heartbeat Goes BoomTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon