10: Falling In Love

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It's been 3 weeks.

Rok Soo loved Angel more everyday, and he hoped Angel loving him back too.

It was his first time falling in love that he doesn't know what to do but be a big puppy to him.

He likes how Angel would treat him back.

Everytime they are alone together he almost couldn't contain his rapid heartbeats.

While Angel will take a look at him and cutely ask what's wrong, not with words as he couldn't speak, he's so lovely just enough with gestures.

Angel pampered him with his lovely touches and head pats and even his pillow lap. His perverted sniffing nose gave out, the siblings are in disbelief that a man could be addicted to a scent as they saw Rok Soo unconsciously sniff extravagantly Angel's lap as he was given a combo of pillow lap, head pats and head massage as they finish eating snacks and bask on sunlight. This is the life he wanted but added with life with his love of his life.

He didn't want to make the end of this peaceful and satisfying dream life, he would want this to be forever, if this is ever only a dream he doesn't mind not waking up or will not waking up at all. He don't want to get back in the camp anymore or the life he had before, though he is a bit sad that he will leave his teammates and hyungs. He doesn't want to make an exchange with this.

Angel is a great person that he does whatever is the best for them, even if he would go out on his own and hunt wild animals that was freed in zoos, but that alone made him annoyed. He is bigger than him and stronger than him, so it would make sense if he will be the one to go out even if he's lazy, and he doesn't want Angel to get hurt, or even bitten by a zombie and die. So he kept his eyes on him if whenever he will do something stupid he will be the one to save him. That sounds like a prince on white shining armour, isn't it? He was getting butterflies in his stomach on his own thoughts. Smiling like an idiot towards where the hell his sight is on. The siblings could only sigh and look at him in pity.

Then he tried harder to impress Angel, he wanted Angel to rely on him more and make use of him. If they're birds he will sing and dance everyday to court him.

He really isn't like this but he is really in love your honor.

No one could stop him. The siblings knew the idiot couldn't have the heart to say anything.

He first confessed to the siblings, though they actually know earlier than he could even think about his feelings for Angel, he knows it's ridiculous but they are the first ones to know Angel and Angel treats them like his own children, and he respects them, as the result they respect him too.

Though the siblings only knew him for weeks, they knew Rok Soo's love is genuine towards Angel and even to them, because that's how their parents look and act with each other.

However, Angel might be not able to understand it, as he has too many things to catch up.

They hoped Angel could feel it and understand and even reciprocate the love Rok Soo offers.

For Rok Soo, though Angel wasn't able to speak, his good heart could feel it, he knows it and also feels it too, Angel's actions says so many times.Their quality time together is the biggest and concrete evidence they have to think it like that. If Angel doesn't want to he could just leave or punch him or throw him out.

He did his best to court Angel. He made sure to help or rather make Angel just do the barest minimum, serve him so he can't live without him anymore that even if he is learning everything he will rely on him. He will make Angel love him more than anything and will do everything to be by his side, addicted to him as Angel will go on rampage whenever he couldn't smell his scent. But this will be his little dirty secret.

Confessing his feelings for Angel to the siblings is the best and first step so he will have backers, and as he expected the siblings gave him their blessings.

"Just don't hurt him, or else...." Hong said being a little cute threat, however failing to deliver it, though he will act like it as he promised.
"Like Hong said don't hurt him, we could say that Angel is into you too but if you force yourself into him, get ready okay?" Said by the eldest daughter with her biggest smile.

The elder sibling is the terrifying one. But at least he got the strongest supporters.

Is Rok Soo a green flag or the Red one?

How the fuck he couldn't realize Angel a zombie, guess live is blind?

Don't worry Rok Soo I will do the save. HAHAHHAHAHA

RokSooCale : My Heartbeat Goes Boomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن