Chapter 4 - Finally Getting Somewhere

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Walking through the vast halls of the Jedi Temple, Kennedy was looking for Ahsoka. But after wandering the halls for what felt like an hour, she found herself in an empty training room.

She sighed and gave up her search. Not knowing what else to do, she grabbed one of the staffs that leaned against the wall. When her hand wrapped around it, a man's voice echoed in her head.

"Yes, we're fine Master Yoda. She didn't do anything."

She recoiled, startled by the voice, and looked around the room for the source of the voice. After not seeing anyone else, she turned back to the staff and grabbed it again.

"Seen anything like that from a youngling, I have not. Wonder what that means for her, I do."

Kennedy's eyes inspected the staff and the voice stopped. 

"We call it a Force Echo," a voice said from behind her. Kennedy whipped around at the recognition of the accent. She saw Master Kenobi standing in the doorway casually.

"Oh, I'm sorry Master, do you need this room? I can leave, I was just...looking," she said, looking at the staff one last time before leaning it against the wall again.

"No, you are quite alright," he waved his hand.  "You know, very few have that gift. You are very special. It's actually strange that I found you. The council is interested in your abilities."

Kennedy stood there slightly embarrassed. "Thank you?" she chuckles nervously.

"Have you studied the old Jedi Prophecies? And more specifically the prophecy of the Chosen One?"

"Unfortunately," she joked. "Why? What about it?"

Master Kenobi looked out the doorway, as if making sure no one was coming. "When I first met Anakin, my former master was insistent that he was the Chosen One who was to fulfil the prophecy. Even as a little boy, he was very strong with the force." He paused for a moment and Kennedy just stared at him with slight confusion. "Why I say this is because the council is wondering if we were wrong about it being Anakin."

Kennedy had so many questions. "Wrong? If not him, then who?" Why was he telling her this?

Yoda appeared in the doorway, "Need you in the conference room they do, Master Kenobi." Still with a face of confusion, Kennedy looked to Kenobi.

"Excuse me," Master Kenobi bowed his head to her and walked out of the room without another word. His eyes tell her that he will explain later. If she didn't have questions before, she definitely had more now.

"Ready to get back to training are you?" Yoda asked her once Obi-Wan left.

"Uh, yeah. To be honest Master, the faster I can take the test, the faster I can take my trials. I'm ready to learn more and improve," she straightened her posture.

"Patience is important Kennedy."

She looked down at her feet, trying to hide her slight frustration with him, "Yes Master."

"See you back here this evening I will."

Kennedy's eyes lit up in excitement. Yoda left, leaving her standing in the room alone. She thinks about what Master Kenobi was telling her. What did he mean when he said the council thinks they're wrong about the Chosen One? Who else? Why was he telling her?


The clone wars were in full force now, so all the Jedi Masters were all off fighting. Kennedy hadn't seen Master Kenobi for months and assumed she would never figure out what he was talking about the day after her accident. And now Ahsoka was a Padawan so she was off fighting with General Skywalker, leaving Kennedy behind with the other younglings. It's not that she didn't have any other friends, but she preferred Ahsoka's company. There was Cal, but they weren't exactly friends, although she might become desperate after wandering the dull hallways of the Jedi Temple. She sighed at the thought.

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