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"No, it's okay Mr. Allan. I just don't remember much about my dad... or my mom. But I'm sure they watched some sports"
"That's... good," Mr. Allan commented.

After that, the sound of utensils clinking or scraping against the plates were the only things heard... not one peep was heard for a while.
However, Mrs. Allan broke the silence, when she asked, "So Peter, have you heard about the big senior retreat, they're planning in Florida?"

"I did actually," he answered.
"Are you going? Because we already signed Liz up for it"
"I actually don't know."
"Why?" Mr. Allan asked.
"There's so much here I need to do. Like if there's another big megalomanic terrorizing... I'm gonna need to be there... for y'know—taking the pictures of Spider-Man, obviously," Peter reasoned.
"Isn't there someone else at the Bugle to take those pictures? You deserve a break, Pedro"
"There is another guy... but my boss loves the angles I get-"
"I've actually seen some of your pictures in the paper, and WOW, they're really impressive," Mr. Allan acknowledged.
"It's like you're swinging with him," Mrs. Allan joked.
Liz raised her eyebrows at the mention of it, which she devised a cover.
"They're not that good. It just helps that Spider-Man is so photogenic. He's just a really nice guy for that... Really helps Petey out," Liz loudly admitted.
"She's... right," Peter supported. Although, in his mind, he was stunned. 'Wha-They're not THAT good?! She really said that!'
The energy of the conversation died down once Peter, and Liz finished their delicious lasagna. They quickly excused themselves, as they cleaned up the table, placing their dishes by the sink.

"Mama, we're gonna study in my room..."

"Okay, mamacita. You sure you don't want more food, Peter?"

"Oh no, Mrs. Allan... I'm stuffed, but thank you!" he kindly rejected. "The food was delicious," he added.

"You're welcome, Peter. Now please go help Liz study hard!"

Peter nodded at her, before the gleeful Liz took him by the hand, and led him to her room. A couple of giggles were heard as they made their way to her room.
"Can't believe you said my pictures aren't that good!" he smirked.
"I had to think of something, Petey—My parents were getting too close," she teased.

"Speaking of your parents, I think they like me"

"Noticed that too. It's great that you all getting along!"
Then she laid against the headboard of her bed, as Peter laid his head on her lap. Her fingers twirled and twisted his shaggy brown hair.

"Also I'm sorry about my dad... he shouldn't have brought that u-"

"Liz... it's fine... really!"

"You sure?"

"Yes. I don't really have much to remember them by... and Uncle Ben and Aunt May are practically the best parents I could ask for, so it all worked out in the end"

"Do you ever think about them?"

"Sometimes... whenever I look at the mantle on our fireplace. I see their picture, framed there"

"You ever miss them?"

"Sometimes. I just wished I knew them, you know... cuz all I remember is their names, and their voice..." he began.

Peter tried his hardest to not well up, thinking about it.

"Sometimes, I just wanted to know that they ever loved me...That's all I wanna know," he tearfully continued.
Liz's hands gently wiped the trickling tears from his eyes, which led to a smile growing on his face.

"Thanks for listening, Liz," he gently kissed her hand.

"I'm always here, baby," she smiled at him while she played with his thick brown hair. "You know Petey, that SpongeBob Lego Set isn't going to build itself," she playfully acknowledged.
"Liz, get out of my head," he joked.