Ur A Fucking Angel

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Title creds: Emergency Contact - Pierce The Veil

This is short bcz ykyk whatevs anyways pls request stuff(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Vic and Danielle adopted you when you were 6. They both know the traumas you went though at just a young age, and since taking you in they've done nothing but be accepting and supportive of you and everything you do. They've also been really patient and understanding with you, as you all live in California. But you lived in Australia before you were adopted. The change has taken a toll on you, but after all these years you've gotten used to it. You're currently 14, and in 8th grade of Highschool.

Your POV:
"Fucking FINALLY." I thought to myself, as I walked out the school doors, and down the small steps onto the pathway. I look down at the ground, to my dirty and scruffed up converse as I walked down the street. I live pretty close to school, and I'm surprised that mum and dad trust me to walk by myself.

Time skip bcz I'm a lazy fuck

"Hey kiddo, how was school?" Vic grinned softly up at you, as you walked through the front door, and placed your backpack on its hanger. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, as the kettle boiled. "Dad sure loves his coffee.. heh.." you thought to yourself, as you cracked a small smile and looked back up at Vic. "School was alright, like always." You shrugged your shoulders, as you responded. Vic chuckled, as he crossed his arms. "Got anything coming up soon?.. anything happening in the next few weeks at all?" Vic asked you, with a soft grin on his face. You tilted your head at him and giggled, as Vic ran up towards you, pulling you into a hug and swinging you in the air for a few moments. "It's my baby girls birthday soon! That's whats happening! Oh my god your getting so old! My angels goanna be 15!" He smiled proudly up at you, as he held you in the air, before putting you back to your feet, not breaking the hug. You giggled in Vic's embrace, as you felt comforted.. you hadn't felt the love of a family in years.. you were beginning to forget what a fathers care was even like.. but now that Vic had you, all was well. You knew you were safe. You had a shoulder to cry on. Someone to tell funny stories with when you can't sleep. Someone to protect you from the dangers of the world.. you were so unexplainably happy in that moment, and you didn't want the hug to end. You two stood in silence for a moment, holding each other close. Vic brushed your hair out of your face, as he left a gentle kiss on your forhead. "You're my angel
You're a fucking angel
You're my angel
All mine
Mine, mine
Mine.." he sang softly to both himself and you, as he cradled you back and fourth lovingly. You finally had someone to call family.. You finally had an Emergency Contact.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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