Chapter 12

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The gestation of a pure omega lupus lasts four to five months, and usually has no changes in the body of the omega, only those of mood and hunger that gets three times greater. HanSeo was already two months old and Vincenzo was being psychologically tested.

— Honey, you can't eat chili pepper with ketchup and raw fish.

— Why not? — HanSeo crosses his arms and looks at the plate Vincenzo was holding, HanSeo had come down to eat and when Vicenzo saw what he had prepared he ran to get that thing out of his hands, it could be anything but edible. "I want to eat this from there, so I'll eat it from there. — HanSeo advances and Vincenzo walks away.

— I'm not going to let you eat.

— But I want to. — HanSeo makes a fool of himself and then his eyes start to fill with water. — You don't love me anymore. — His face was already all wet.

— Don't cry.

— Give it to me. — HanSeo stretches out his hand.

— No.

— Please.

— No.

— But I want to.

— But it can't.

— But I want to.

— I've already said it can't.

— Don't yell at me...

— I don't grie...

— You think I'm what? You don't...

— But I...

— ... you have no right to scream. Idiot. — HanSeo storms out of the kitchen.

— ... Screamed. — Vincenzo looks into nothingness. — Just another three to four months.

— Vin. — HanSeo appears in the kitchen after a few seconds. — Because it didn't come after me. You don't love me anymore. — Pout and bow your head.

— Of course I love my love.

— I know I'm annoying...

— Hey. — Vincenzo puts the plate in the sink and goes in search of HanSeo and then hugs him. — You're not boring, remember you're carrying our puppy and, yes, it's normal to stay that way.

— Will you never leave me?

— Never.

The weeks went by, and each day HanSeo got slicker, not wanting to go a second without Vincenzo, even for the dangerous operations that Cassano did he wanted to go, and today he would have another and like every other day HanSeo is there hanging on Vincenzo's arm without wanting to let go.

— I'll go and that's it.

— But you can't go, it's too dangerous.

— I don't want to know, it's already decided. — HanSeo puts on his sunglasses and pulls Cassano out and Cassano's henchmen follow them from afar finding that whole scene funny. Who could have imagined that his evil boss would be so tame when he found an omega.

They got into their black cars and headed towards the place where they would have a meeting of leaders, but before arriving at the scene HanSeo made the driver stop at an ice cream shop and told him to buy a chocolate milkshake with mint.

— You were more punctual. — The head of the Russian mafia speaks as soon as he sees Cassano. — And who is this ornament there on your side. — Points to HanSeo who was concentrating on drinking his milkshake. Vincenzo for a moment wondered how cute his husband was.

— My omega.

— Who knew the dreaded Vincenzo Cassano would stay with anyone. — The leader of the Russian mafia tries to get close to HanSeo.

— Stay away. — He speaks looking over his sunglasses and then turns his attention to his milkshake.

— How rude, you better keep it on short leash, or...

— I think it's best to stop talking. — Vincenzo warns him.

— Again. — HanSeo pulls away and sits on the hood of the car holding the milkshake glass with both hands, the scene could be cute if at that moment it hadn't started a killing spree. It was always the same thing, HanSeo was used to it, every time some alpha said something about HanSeo that Vincenzo didn't like it always ended the same way. — Until that taste isn't bad. — Says taking another sip of the milkshake. — Love on the way back I want another. — Shouts to Vincenzo.

— Of course love. — Cassano responds and then breaks the neck of the leader of the Russian mafia, and it was there that Vincenzo conquered another territory. — Let's go, dear.

— You're stinky... Ouch. — HanSeo speaks and then brings his hand to the non-existent belly. — I think it's time.

— Now? But it's only three and a half months old.

— He wants to leave now, so he'll leave now. — HanSeo says going to the car and getting into it. — Walk man, we still have to go to the ice cream shop.

After hours of surgery, the Cassano's heir was finally born.

The little boy was the perfect mix of HanSeo and Vincenzo, the cutest thing.

HanSeo never thought that after everything that happened, all the years of suffering, he would eventually have his happy ending. But there looking at his son, HanSeo felt happy, it was finally complete. After everything he suffered in the past, he now had a family, him, Vincenzo and his son... Yang.

The world is made of good things and bad things, but not always bad things spoil good things, and not always good things improve bad things, sometimes we just have to wait for the right time, and who knows when the world turns, and the sun shines brighter the day is better, He will never be perfect, because there is no perfection, he is only good. Because everything in this life has to be in balance. Nothing is just white or black.

So live the now, without waiting for tomorrow. 

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