Chapter 10

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HanSeo woke up in a lighted place, it was so white that he had to close his eyes a little.

— Father. — HanSeo turns around and comes across a child of about six staring at him, she was a perfect mix of Vincenzo and HanSeo.

— Luna?

— It's good to meet you. She smiles giant and then runs into HanSeo's arms.

— Daughter. — HanSeo cries like a baby while squeezing his daughter. — Because? Why did he have to kill you?

— Bad days are necessary so that the good days can be worth it.

— I don't understand.

— I wasn't to be born, it wasn't my destiny to go into the world.

— But...

— Father understand one thing, everyone has their destinies, every person in this world has to do something, we are all important, and my role in the world was to make you who you should be, if I hadn't died you probably wouldn't have turned into that beautiful white wolf, and all the other things that happened afterwards wouldn't have happened.

— ...

— Don't be sad, I'll still be with you.

— How?

— I'll be here. She brings her little hand to HanSeo's chest. — I will protect you and be by your side until the end of your life and Daddy Vincenzo's.

— I don't know if I can.

— You can, you're strong, and he... You are no longer alive, you can live in peace. — She smiles and hugs him then walks away. — Live your life, be happy.

— Wait. — Luna disappears and HanSeo wakes up.

— Love. — Vincenzo calls him.

— I saw it.

— Who?

— Our daughter, she would be so beautiful.

— Dear. — Cassano hugs HanSeo. — It's going to be okay, we're going to get through this together, as a family.

— Yes, as a family. — HanSeo snuggles more into Vincenzo's arms.

Our whole life is made up of losses, we can't stop everything, we have to keep going, try to be as firm as we can and remember everyone we left behind.

The years went by and today HanSeo was the second in command of the Cassano family, when Vincenzo was not, it was HanSeo who took over, and he did it very well. He as well as Vincenzo, also created his fame, HanSeo was no longer the boy who feared his brother, now he was a Cassano.

— Mr. Cassano. — One of the alpha named HanSeo, who was in his greenhouse, over time he began to love flowers and today he cultivated several.

— Yes? — Talk while watering a lily, your favorite.

— A few years ago Mr. Cassano asked them to investigate who took you, and we found out, but we preferred to talk to you first. — When it came to HanSeo, Vincenzo tended not to think coherently, he acted on impulse.

— So?

— We find out that he didn't do it because he wanted to and that his omega had been kidnapped by his brother.

— But why did HanSeok choose him to do this job?

— This alpha is an expert in these subjects, he can get in and out of places without being noticed, which is why it took us years to find him.

— Give me his file, I'll talk to Vincen myself...

— You okay sir?"

— Just a dizziness, nothing too much. — The alpha hands the folder to HanSeo who sets his watering can aside and sits on a stool and starts reading the sheet. — He really is a genius... He could be my right-hand man. — HanSeo picks up the phone by dialing the number it contained on one of the chips in the folder, he waits until someone answers.

— Hi?

— Hello, this is HanSeo, I... Hung up? — He tries again. — Don't hang up.

— What do you want? ... Who is it?... To love...

— Is it your omega?

— That's none of your business... Oh love... Don't be rude to people, what I've already told you... Endorsement... You can talk.

— Well I'd like you to be my personal assistant, if you want you can bring your omega too.

— You're kidding me, I bet as soon as I step on my toe, you're going to kill me.

— Of course not, I give my word that not even Vincenzo Cassano will touch a strand of his hair.

— Swear by the most sacred thing.

— I swear on Luna.

— Okay. — HanSeo hangs up and heads out towards the kitchen, he's been feeling really hungry lately.

— Love?

— Um? — HanSeo replies with his mouth full, he was almost inside the fridge, eating everything he saw in front of him.

— What are you doing?

— ... — HanSeo stops eating and raises his head looking at Vincenzo and then at the fridge, and then at Vincenzo again. — Looking for a portal to Narnia, one can no longer even eat in peace. — He grabs a plate of noodles, then slams the refrigerator door and walks off nervously.

— What did I say? — Vincenzo says for nothing. — What is it? — Cassano notices a folder on top of the kitchen countertop. — It must be HanSeo's thing. — He leaves the briefcase where it is and leaves the kitchen.

Vincenzo never got into HanSeo's things, no matter what it was, if HanSeo didn't want to tell him he wouldn't ask. Their relationship was one of total trust.

— The smell of it is different... He's different. — Vincenzo goes upstairs and heads towards his room, Cassano felt that HanSeo was there and that he was not okay at all. When he arrives in the bedroom he finds HanSeo vomiting up everything he had just eaten.

— Vin... — HanSeo looks startled at Cassano. — I don't think I'm okay.

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