Chapter 27

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I'm stood behind the thick velvet curtains that circle the stage. The clamour of voices and laughter reaches me from where I'm stood, shaking the very floorboards beneath my feet. The venue was packed. Bodies smashing against each other as they pick their way to friends, family, drink in hand. I tremble, my heart galloping my chest, throat dry, knees weak. The darkness I am eclipsed in seems to warp and stretch around me until I feel sick.

I can't breathe.
Oh god I can't breathe.

"Hey Fry Pan, how are you feeling? There's so many people out there tonight!" Robin chirps from behind me, closing the space between us in seconds. Her hand is on my arm. She pulls me around to face her in the dim light. And despite this lack of visibility she catches my ghost white face immediately. I watch as her blue eyes widen and she grasps at my hands, anchoring me to her tightly. I sway, leaning into her support, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths.

"Breathe... Good. Now remember the list." She coaches softly, taking the time to squeeze each finger of my hand in turn, slightly adjusting the pressure as she went.

"My name is Fry. I am 23 years old. I live in Hawkins Indiana. My best friends are Robin, Steve, Eddie and Nancy. I work in the comic book store. I have a sister. I have a family. I am loved. I am safe."

My hand subconsciously wanders to the back of my neck pressing down on the 3-27 branded into the back of my neck, the skin searing like the day I had acquired it. My spine roared like it had been set aflame and I cried out in pain. It was like being shocked with a 500 volt cattle prod. Robin caught me as I faltered forwards, my knees buckling beneath me.

"It's okay." She said firmly but gently, kneeling with me on the floor as I waited for the pain to settle. It eventually did. Apparently the pain I was feeling wasn't real. It was a psychosomatic trauma response. A hardwired survival response that I was slowly decoding with a therapist each week. Piece by piece.

"Thank you." I laughed shakily, hugging Robin. She helped me up and called out to Steve who was hiding in the wings with Eddie. A water bottle is thrown to her which she catches and pushes into my hands. I stare down at the bottle, crinkling the soft plastic beneath my fingers.

"Like I said, you don't have to thank me." Robin smiled, taking the water bottle from my sweaty grip and unscrewing the cap for me. I couldn't help but melt completely. Robin was like a little gift from the universe for all my suffering. She was good. She was light. She meant everything to me. All of my friends did. I drew on long sips of the ice cold water, the rush of hot blood flooding back into my cheeks.

"FINAL CALL!" Yells out a stage hand, immediately kick starting my heart back into a wild rhythm. Swallowing the last of the water, Robin takes the bottle off me and draws me into a quick tight squeezing hug.

"You're going to do amazing!" She whispers into my ear and when she pulls back her face is so confident and sure that I can't help but to believe her. Just a little bit. I watch as she vanishes into the darkness, leaving me alone on the stage. I centre myself in front of the main stage mic and close my eyes. I listen to Jeff, Gareth and Aidan get into place behind me.

Eddie is the last on stage. Typical. He moves behind me, so close I can smell him the cologne on his skin. My heart flips in my chest as his lips graze my cheek.

"Raise hell darling." He whispers, hot breath trickling down the expanse of my exposed neck. I shudder. My whole body vibrating. God how I craved his skin between my teeth. His hands in my hair.

"For one night and one night only, welcome to the stage Fry Freeman and Corroded Coffin!" The emcee roars into the microphone as the curtains are lifted. The whole room riots with cheers and whistles, loud enough to almost completely drown out the opening chords. Pushing my ear piece deeper into my ear canal, I open up my face and grin broadly to the room, watching from my peripherals as Eddie, Jeff and Aidan bounce around behind me.

3-27 (A Stranger Things AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora