Chapter 10

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It was late afternoon when I next woke up. My stomach grumbling loudly as I stretched my arms out above my head. Listening to my joints crackle and pop like a box of wet rice crispies, I stifled a yawn and stuffed my feet back into my loosely laced sneakers. I opened my bedroom door as quietly as I could, turning the brass knob slowly, until the hinges gave and swung inwards.

Steve was snoring in his bed, the sheets partially obstructing his face as he slept. I watched him for a minuet, counting the rise and falls of his chest as he breathed deep and even. Once sure I hadn't disturbed him, I tiptoed through his bedroom into the living room. I hissed as the bright daylight streamed in through the large panoramic windows, a burning golden light. The air conditioning unit overhead kicked in with a whirr. Stumbling to the kitchen, I sank down onto my knees, sheltering behind the countertop's like some sort of decrepit vampire that hadn't left its coffin in years... I guess that was partially true. I carefully wedged my fingers in between the fridge door and its rubber seal, slowly working away the connection until the door opened seamlessly. Noiselessly.

The fridge was packed with food, all kinds of things I had never seen before. I realised my palette was going to have to adjust like crazy as I reached out and bought the milk carton up to my face. Unscrewing the cap, I sniffed, getting a strong waft of an entirely different smell than the one I had learned to associate with milk. This was almost chemical. I pushed the cap back on and put it away. Then I spotted a drawer at the bottom of everything, absolutely rammed with chocolate and candy and everything sweet. I found a bag of Hershey kisses. I had read tirelessly about these in fiction books and watched countless references in US television. Eagerly I pulled out a handful of the individually wrapped teardrops and began carefully picking the foil apart before stuffing them into my mouth. The chocolate melted in thick globs across my tongue, the sugar sinking into my gums and sliding across my teeth in an artificial coating. It was heaven.

I heard the elevator outside ding, the doors sliding back to let the occupants out onto this level. My heart stopped in my chest. My blood ran cold. This apartment was the only one on this floor. That meant whoever it was, was coming for here, and with all of my new housemates still inside I began to panic. There was a shuffling of boots on carpet and a whispering of voices. I closed the fridge door, my heart finally kicking back in, tenfold, pounding in my ears. Reaching up, I locked my fist around an iron frying pan that sat empty on the stove. Working my way on my knees towards the door that was now being pushed against from the other side, I lifted the pan in my hands.

There was a key in a lock.
A click.
The door knob lowered.
The door groaned.
The wooden panel swung inwards.
I swung down with an overarm as hard as I possibly could.

There was a sickening crash as the pan collided with another person. And then screaming, loud high pitched squeals as I was knocked off my feet. The frying pan clattered noisily across the hardwood floor, my jaw smacking off the varnish with a sharp whip of pain. Winded, I fought for purchase on the sofa, hauling my shell shocked body upwards.
I lifted my hand, the veins throbbing and writhing black in my arms.

"NO!" The kids from before roared, stepping between me and the intruder who was curled up in on themselves on the floor. I stared at them in shock, shaking violently, hyperventilating.

"What the fuck?" I growled.

"It's just Eddie!" The kid in the cap rushed out.

"We have a key!" Nancy's brother followed up, eyes wide and wild with panic. I looked around their bodies to the man who was just beginning to unfurl his arms from his knees.

"What on earth-?!" Steve rounded the corner, grabbing onto the doorframe as his feet slid out from beneath him. I took one look at his toned, bare torso and blushed furiously, whipping my head back to the kids.

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