Chapter 16

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The slam of the front door wakes me, my body is sore and tired from last night. Eyes blurry with sleep, the smell of Steve on my skin, his arms and legs still entangled in mine. I feel him stir beneath me, the flat of his palms moving over my hips and gripping, pulling me closer in his still half asleep state. I kiss his cheek quickly, running my hand up the side of his face that glows a mesmerising bronze as sunlight from the living room pours in on us. Steve mumbles a soft whisper, his lips still swollen and bruised from where I had bitten them. If you looked closely you could see the tiny little teeth marks embedded in purple hues there.

Robin suddenly rounds the corner yelling loudly:

"Hey dingus! You're gonna be late for work! Do you know what time it is? You'll-" She freezes in the door way when she notices us. Steve finally opens his eyes, yawning sleepily, I nod my head over his shoulder at Robin. Steve flips over and meets Robin's mortified gaze. Her eyes pop open so wide they look ready to burst from her skull. Her mouth hangs open in shock. She visibly flushes. Cheeks scarlet.

"Could you get any louder?" Steve groans, his husky morning voice immediately melting me on the inside turning my fluttering intestines into mush. He launches a pillow at Robin, it sails past her head into the living room landing with a barely audible thump. I finally remove myself from Steve, even though all I wanted to do was tangle myself up in him again, pushing my face into his chest, wandering my hands through his thick waves of hair. As I wriggle myself out of Steve's bed and head towards my room my stomach drops into my feet. I feel so cold without him. Incomplete. Like a part of me was missing.

I look over at Robin briefly, nodding my head and giving her a tight, forced, smile as I struggle with the doorknob to my bedroom. Robin takes in my appearance and chokes.

"Are you wearing his shirt?!" She shrieks pointing at my clothing. My hand slips and my knuckles smash into the brass making me gasp and curse.
"Holy shit! Did you two fuck?!" Robin almost keels over at her revelation. I on the other hand die on the inside. Withering away until I became nothing but mortification.

Finally I get the damn door open and I rush inside, slamming it behind me. Collapsing onto my bed, I scream into my pillow, my heart jumping in my chest. Oh god.
Even through the closed door and solid brick walls I can hear the two hissing and yelling at each other. Steve sounds angry. Robin on the other hand is hyper, laughing loudly, mischief coating each note that leaves her voice. There is a loud bang, I sit up bolt right, then Robin yells at Steve that he sucks and she escapes the flat screaming, presumably being chased by Steve himself. I remember getting him locked out in his underwear last week and giggle to myself.

Catching a glance at the clock I notice we have fifteen minuets to make it to work and it's enough of a kick up the arse to get me going. I struggle into a pair of shorts and immediately topple over onto my bed, tugging on a bra beneath the shirt I wore. Swiping deodorant beneath my arms, I tighten a belt around my waist and stuff my feet into my sneakers. Grabbing my backpack and some gum that I shove into my mouth, I throw my hair up into a messy, hasty ponytail. Making my way back out into the flat Steve is dressed and waiting for me by the door. He takes in my appearance and when he notices I'm still in the shirt he fucked me in, he blushes deeply.

"Good morning." He coughs awkwardly as we step out and head for the lift.

"Good morning." I smirk back up at him.

I launch myself out of the car before Steve can even apply the handbrake. I fall forwards, pushing my hands out in-front of me, catching the delicate skin of my palms and knees on the asphalt. A billion little pieces of gravel embed themselves into the flesh. A sharp sting ringing out across the surface. I hiss and spit, hauling myself to my feet, slamming the car door behind me and breaking out into a sprint across the parking lot. Steve yells out after me, I toss my head over my shoulder, taking in a glimpse of his worried face. I throw a thumbs up and a strained smile, hoping to convince him I was okay.

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