Chapter 10

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Jimmy leaned back on the hotel room desk as he watched Y/N rush around searching for something.
It was when she reached up toward a tall shelf that her shirt lifted to reveal the dark purple bruise that blotched her right side just below her ribs.
Instinctively, he moved towards to her. As he got closer he noticed the other handprint-shaped mark on Y/N's upper left arm.

"That was my fault," Jimmy said, his tone laced with regret.
Y/N, not expecting him to be so close behind her, turned to face him in surprise. He took her elbow gently in his hand as he lightly brushed over her arm with his fingertips, "I shouldn't have let you go alone."
"It's fine," Y/N breathed. She suddenly became aware of their proximity as she looked up to his face. His forehead was creased in concern as he inspected her bruise intently.
It felt natural for her to mirror his gesture as she took Jimmy's forearm in her unoccupied hand. This snapped him out of his thoughts as he met her gaze.

Y/N's POV:
I don't know how long we were there for, him holding onto my arm and me standing there like an idiot, unable to do anything but stare at him. I'm pretty sure that a fire could've burnt down the hotel around us and I wouldn't have noticed.
That was until I realised I was holding on to his arm as well. Jimmy seemed to notice this at the same time as I did and his eyes locked onto mine. His Eyes. It was like he could see directly into my soul, that ocean blue enveloped all of my senses until-

I forced myself to break the invisible ties that kept my feet in place and I tore away from his gentle hold, grabbing my bag and glancing back at him as I headed for the door. He was still standing in the same place, just watching my movements.
"thanks for the coffee." He said breaking the thick silence. I nodded, trying to be as collected as I could before I fled from the room.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! What the fuck was that? Your boss tries to show you some sympathy after you lose HIS camera and you, what? Stand there with your mouth open and cling onto him like a child?
My arm felt tingly from where his fingers had traced my bruise. As I walked down the hotel hallway the image of his wide blue eyes was seared into my brain. I let out a shaky breath as I unlocked my own door, heading straight to the ridiculously fancy bathroom to splash water on my face.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a long time as I tried to sort through the heavy emotions knotting in my stomach.
'Jimmy is my boss' I kept repeating to myself, the flush in my cheeks was receding but I could still hear my heartbeat in my ears.
This was a normal way to feel, right? I just got out of a long term relationship and now there's a man paying for me to fly around the world with him. Obviously I was going to appreciate him! But this felt like more than just respect, and definitely more than anything that was appropriate professionally.
Come on, I AM a professional. I won't let this get to me. I just couldn't let my... 'emotions' get the better of me, especially in front of Jimmy.

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