Chapter Seven - Superhero Land

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When the doors opened even Alora and Bull were stunned by the scene laid out before them. On their trips into Dream World it had been day. This time it was night, though it was anything but dark. Stepping through the large doors all of the children's eyes grew big as they reflected the light show that was on display throughout the park. Lasers and spotlights shot up into the night sky dancing around the clouds above them. About the sky did fireworks explode in enormous balls of brilliance before falling to the ground like rain. Amongst the explosions did massive bioluminescent creatures swim, unafraid of being harmed.

Upon the ground they saw that the buildings and rides were also adorned with lights and glowing decorations as well. There was even a light parade that made its way in and around all of the parks. Floats covered in illuminations twisted and turned their way down the roadways while performers and marching band members twirled and played their light-filled instruments around them in their brightly colored outfits.

It was then that the sun began to peak up over the horizon. As the rays of the sun shot up into the sky like arrows, Dream World's light show ceased and all the lights suddenly turned off. The teenagers then watched as the rays of the sun stretched out across the land revealing the true magnificence of the world. The countless diverse parks began to emerge. Shadows stretched across the land as mountains and skyscrapers and enormous amusement park rides seemed to appear from out of nowhere.

None said a word. The children just stood there upon the platform in stunned disbelief staring at the awesomeness they were all witnessing. That is until Bull broke the silence. "Told ya."

The teenagers all turned and glared at him.

"Sorry," Bull offered, a bit embarrassed. "But, I mean, look at this. Was I wrong? I'm sorry we lied but we wanted to share this with all of you. Well, not you three," he said looking at Tucker, Becky and Colt.

"He's right," Alora said. "We're so sorry we lied. But our intentions were good, I promise. We had to share this experience. There was no way we could just keep this all to ourselves. And we couldn't think of any other way to get you all here without sounding like lunatics. Again, we're so sorry we lied. Can you please find it in your hearts to forgive us?"

There was a murmur amongst the crowd, then the children agreed to forgive them. Bull's sports buddies all went to him and started hugging and pushing him. Alora's math friends went to her and started talking and laughing with her. All that is but Tucker, Becky and Colt. They did not seem pleased. They were enjoying everyone being mad at Alora and Bull. Now that was over.

After the shock of seeing Dream World in all its magnificent glory Bull led the teens down the floating platform by way of its escalator. They then all passed through the marble archway and into the hub.

The children again were in awe as they watched as large and small Spirits hurried about the entrance of Dream World while other kids of differing ages skipped and jumped and played around them. Alora and Bull then started to explain all of the modes of transportation that existed in and around the park. They felt like tour guides.

First, they showed them the countless walkways that spread out in every direction. Then they showed them the mystical beasts that they could ride. Of course, there was the train that slowly snaked its way about the park. But, it was the transportals that were the quickest way to travel, they told them. So they all went into the transportal station and Bull showed them how to use the directory which could whisk them to any park within Dream World in seconds.

Once they had finished showing their friends how to get around Alora and Bull led them to the center of the transportal station and told them to go have fun.

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