Chapter 4

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John didn't know what has hit him. Even when he was finally home and had time to reflect.

So much had happened in the last few weeks while he had been in the coma.

So much had happened in the last few weeks that he had no insight into.

So much had happened in the last few weeks that gave him heartache.

So much had happened in the last few weeks and yet one thing did not worry him.


John didn't know what had hit him when he had overheard the conversation between you and Oliver. He liked that you hadn't shied away from your boss and had given him your opinion. Having an opinion and standing by it had become a rarity these days. Most of the people John dealt with these days were like Oliver, whom he had known for years and who was always out for his own gain and easily swayed by money. But you were very different. You made your position clear and stood up for the people in your care, even if it wasn't in John's favor. At least that's what he had thought at first, after all his discharge from the hospital had depended on you. And it seemed like you wouldn't falter easily, if at all. And therefore he had braced himself for a lot, but certainly not the beautiful doctor he had nearly knocked over while trying to escape from the hospital. So much could have happened, and yet the seemingly impossible had happened. You had covered for him. Without even knowing him. Without knowing how he was faring.

John wasn't sure what you had seen in his eyes when you had collided in the hallway, but something had made you stand up for him. And he would be eternally grateful to you for that. Because in the hospital he would have gone insane. Rarely had he felt so trapped as he did those days. And he had known he would heal faster at home than anywhere else, although he wouldn't be lying idly in bed. After all, it was his home, his haven. Even if he had to share it with you temporarily. But that didn't seem to be as bad as he first had feared.

Sometimes John wondered if he was unconsciously speaking his thoughts out loud since his coma, because too often it almost seemed as if you could hear them. You gave him more freedom than he ever expected. He had been afraid you would treat him like a helpless old cowboy, bedridden and completely at your mercy. But it was not like that. You always made small concessions to him, tried to meet him halfway, but you were rock solid on the things that really mattered. And while it was difficult for John to admit, these things were about maintaining and protecting his health and well-being. Because at times he himself was the greatest danger to his recovery.

You had accompanied him to the bunkhouse on the first day. And even if the cowboys hadn't known how to deal with you at first, you quickly had made a strong impression. After all, it had never happened before that someone had called him out on his bullshit in front of his ranch hands. And all because of his thoughtless comment that he had come to the conclusion that the only thing in this world that could kill him was himself. You hadn't taken that comment kindly but your spirits quickly improved and that strong first impression was only reinforced by the fact that you had left your poker winnings on the table with instructions to stock up on beers because you would be back.

John was amazed at how easy it was for you to integrate into the group of cowboys. Because with his children it was much more difficult for you. And who could blame you, because he only thought back to the first dinner together with horror. Neither Beth nor Kayce had greeted you kindly and the comments they had made towards you were hurtful and mean. He didn't know what to make of it, but at the time he still had hoped that they might make you flee the ranch. It could have blown right up in his face because if you had quitted he would have ended up back in the hospital as one of the stipulations of his discharge has been not to drive you off - although John didn't see how they were going to manage to drag him off his ranch. However, you had neither fled nor avoided the confrontation, and had impressed him with your respectful and classy demeanor. And every day John was thankful for it. Because even if he didn't want to admit it out loud, you were a great help to him and he enjoyed being with you a little more every day. Even if you kept him from riding again and again. It seemed like you developed a sixth sense for when he wanted to ride.

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