Chapitre 1

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Tee wasn't feeling quite alright today. He got out of bed after barely sleeping, tried do drink his coffee without much success and sat a few minutes on his couch. It's been a few days he couldn't sleep or eat well and the more he thought about it the more he felt guilty.

It was a wonderful opportunity to work again with Tae on Triage the series and he felt grateful, really, but he couldn't stop his head from telling him that he wasn't good enough. Everytime he watched Tae play Dr Tin he was amazed, he could feel the emotions from his eyes at every line, every gestures. Investors didn't need a lot of time to be convinced to put their money on this show when they saw Tae rehearse for his character.

But in the years they knew each other and since the creation of the TaeTee hashtag, Tee was always the one who had a lot of haters. Everytime he went on internet after a public appearance hateful comments were all over the place.

No talent, only a face.

Not good enough for Tae, poor Tae.

Can't do anything, I feel like dying just looking at him.

Please someone save Tae.

Poor Tae.

Tae must hate him, after all this year's and not being able to act or sing, but he's too nice to tell him.

Tee knew he shouldn't even read those comments, especially when he was in a bad place mentally (which sadly happened regularly while filming Triage since his brain couldn't stop thinking about how he wasn't good enough.). But since the news came out that they were working on a new show the hate got stronger. So Tee tried harder. He spent hours reading his lines even if he knew them by heart, he put himself on a hard diet without telling his manager, did some research on emotions and acting to try to be able to get better because maybe, maybe the comments were true ?

Triage the series came alive thanks to Tae and Tee knew that. Nobody could act like him, his talent was indisputable. Tee sighed and stood up trying to shake off the bit of anxiety that was creeping inside his heart and went for a shower. Feeling the water on his skin made him feel a bit better. He took a deep breath and tried to stop thinking about Tae's concerned eyes everytime he looked at him this past few days. He knew something was up with Tee but he was to kind to confront him about it and Tee preferred to die a million death than to bother him. When he read all those « Poor Tae » comments, a terrible feeling crawled inside his heart, the feeling that maybe Tae was having a hard time because he wasn't competent enough and just thinking about it made him want to cry. He just...needed to work harder. Gosh, what was happening to him ? He stepped out of the shower and started drying his hair. Slowly he looked at himself in the mirror and when he met his own eyes he tried to persuade himself that the droplets of water on his cheeks were because of the shower.

He quickly got dressed, ready for rehearsal, he knew cameras would be there to film for a Behind the scene video so he tried to look goodwithout looking like he stayed 20 minutes in front of his dressing, and went to the kitchen to finish his coffee when he heard the bell ring. Thinking it was his manager he went for the door only to find Tae Darvid looking at him with that perfect smile of his. Surprise got him stronger than he thought because he nearly dropped his mug but Tae was fast enough to steady his hand before he could make a mess. And here he was, making a fool of himself. Again.

"Wow,Hey Tee you're alright ? You nearly broke your mug"

He was smiling so beautifully that he took Tee a few seconds before hecould compose himself again.

"Tae,you surprised me ! He said, what are you doing here ? Should we not meet at 8 for rehearsal?"

It was 6.30am. Did he forget something? Why did Tae just show up at his place so early? Only his manager would do that before a very important event and that was pretty rare because everybody knew that Tee was always ponctual.

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