Chapter 10 - Revelations

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They quickly finished bathing because the water was starting to go cold and by the time they stepped out of the stall they both felt chilled. Inker grabbed a towel and quickly wrapped it around his hip then reached for another one and wrapped it around her, rubbing it over her back and shoulders to dry her before she got too cold. Her hair was slightly damp so he grabbed his blow dryer out of the drawer and plugged it in for her.

He grabbed another towel and wiped his body dry as she continued to dry herself off. Neither of them said much, each lost in their own thoughts and didn't realize at first that they weren't speaking until they caught each other's eyes in the mirror.

When Inker thought he saw doubt in her eyes, he turned to look at her straight on. "What is wrong, Maile? Why do I see doubt in your eyes? Do you regret what we just did?" Inker asked and couldn't hide the sadness in the sound of his voice.

"No! No! I don't regret it one bit. I'm just worried that I wasn't good enough. I've never done it like that before and it was amazing for me. I just want to make you feel as good as you make me feel, Inker." Maile said, trying to find the words to express what it was she was feeling besides confusion.

She had thought she had a forever love for Kaleo but now she was realizing that, while she couldn't put a name to what it was she had felt for him, it was nothing compared to what she was feeling for Inker.

"Oh baby! What we just did was like nothing I've ever known before either and it had nothing to do with the location or the position, Maile. I've never been with anyone that I cared anything about for more than just to relieve sexual frustration before. That was more than just sex for me, Maile.

I was hoping to wait to tell you this until we had been together for more than two days and there was not so much sexual tension between us because we had not been together yet but you've come to mean a great deal to me in a very short time, Maile.

I already know what I want with you but I don't want you to feel rushed or under certain about anything when you make your decision because as far as I'm concerned, the decision is all up to you. So long as I can have you as my lady, I'll be willing to wait until you are sure that being my ole' lady is what you really want.

When I turned around at the convention yesterday and saw you for the first time, do you know what I thought? I thought "There she is! She's the one I've been waiting for. Praying for, for so very long. I'm not a poet Maile and will probably stick my foot in my mouth a lot but I hope you will always realize that I love you, Maile." Inker said, hoping that he had not just dropped his heart into a shredder as he waited for her to reply.

"Can we go sit down please?" Inker had been hoping she would say that she was at least beginning to return his feelings so Maile's reply caught him off guard but Inker nodded his head and led the way out of the bathroom. He turned to his bedroom, mainly because he was walking around in nothing but a towel and if they were going to just sit and talk, he wanted to at least pull some boxers on.

Maile grabbed her dad's shirt out of her bag before she left the bathroom and shoved her arms into it as she followed slowly behind him as she tried to get her mind straight around what he had just told her.

"Inker loves me? I pray that he's not just saying that because I KNOW I love him." Maile's realization not only surprised her but then not really. She already knew that Inker held her heart and she had just given him her body. She knew that she couldn't have done the latter if she didn't have feelings for him beyond a physical attraction.

She stepped into his bedroom and was pleasantly surprised at how nicely it was decorated. It was a large room with a large, king size bed and nice dark wood furniture. It was a very masculine room that suited him.

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