Chapter 8 - Maile shares her story with Inker

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The night she had graduated from college, Maile had been so upset that Kaleo had not even shown up to see her get her degree then he came home smelling of another woman's perfume! The fight that happened that night was epic! Maile had finally decided that enough was enough.

For some reason, Kaleo never bonded with Leilani and then he accused Maile of cheating on him, and said that Leilani was not his child. She packed up what she could fit in her car, put her daughter in her car seat and left!

She had been crying to the point where she could barely see but she had almost been to her parents house. She wasn't the one that ran the red light. It was a drunk driver that T-boned her car and killed her precious Leilani instantly.

Maile's left leg had gone outside of the car and the door, which had become torn to pieces, wrapped itself around her leg, tearing the flesh and muscles. Her leg had been broken in four places and at first they were going to amputate it but thankfully the surgeon on duty at the hospital that night felt that there was a chance he could save it.

Maile had been on the operating table for over 8 hours as he worked on piecing her leg back together and even now, she had multiple pins in place to hold it together. Everyone thought she would never be able to bend her knee again and her left leg would be a good two inches shorter than the right but at least she had her leg.

No one but Andrea had had faith in her and even Andrea had not known just how stubborn Maile could be. She had spent two weeks in a drug induced coma, just to give her time for her leg to heal some with no movement.

She remembered her first thought when she had woken up was not about her own condition but her concern about her precious daughter. When she had been told that Leilani had died instantly in the accident, she became hysterical and had to be sedated again.

She had spent three months in the hospital and thankfully her health insurance had paid most of it and the drunk drivers insurance had taken care of the rest. It also paid for Leilani's death and funeral expenses and the rest was in a savings account that Kaleo couldn't get his hands on.

During that time, Kaleo only came to visit her twice. Once when he needed to know what she wanted done with Leilani's remains and the second time was to ask for some of the money from the insurance settlement, which she refused to give him. He had been so pissed and claimed that if he didn't pay off the loan shark he had borrowed money from, they were going to kill him.

Maile was to the point with him that she didn't care anymore and she would be damned if she was going to use the money from her baby's death to cover his gambling debt after his accusations of her cheating on him, when he had been the one who was cheating. But it had been his comments of Leilani not being his child that had led to her death.

When she had finally calmed down from that visit and with Andrea's help, she filed for divorce. Andrea called in a favor with a lawyer she knew and he got her divorce pushed through in a matter of weeks instead of the months and months it would normally take.

Andrea took her home with her to her small two bedroom apartment and they had lived together while Maile's leg healed. On top of all that going on, one rare rainy night, Maile's parents were in a fatal car accident and Maile had been devastated by death again. Again, it had been Andrea who had helped her get through it all.

Maile barely remembered the beautiful funeral that Andrea had arranged and the lawyer that had helped her with her divorce helped her with all of the legal paperwork and oversaw the estate sale of their property and belongings.

Maile had tried to go through their things and while she had taken some things that were sentimental to her, dealing with the rest of it was just too overwhelming for her. Andrea and the lawyer took care of making sure that everything else was sold and put in the savings account with Leilani's money.

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