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This chap is affectionately dedicated to -
yashikadewangan13 & Adreamgazer🖤


"I tend to be most interested in the kinds of people who do not sweeten or dilute themselves for the sake of people tastes. Who never soften the blow of who they are. Like my coffee, I prefer the people I connect with to be full-strength and searing hot. And able to rouse my weary, idle heart......................"

In a quaint, sunlit kitchen, the atmosphere was filled with warmth as Vatsal and his buddy, Ojas, shared a leisurely meal.

As they enjoyed the hearty breakfast, Ojas' vivacious wife, Leher, bustled about, delivering more paranthas and placing a hotpot in the centre of the table. She was a delightful, lively woman, and her cheerful presence was contagious. She'd brought out a few more paranthas from the hotpot, her culinary pride and joy, and placed them in each of their plates.

"You didn't put sugar in my curd. Why?"

"Have a look at your tummy first and then ask for sugar, dear husband."

"Look who is calling out."

Ojas was quick to provide a mocking reply to his wife. Instead of getting offended, Leher chuckled but not before sticking her tongue out at her husband.

Her infectious giggles filled the air as she moved about, creating an atmosphere of comfort and camaraderie.

Ojas, too, was a character. He had a penchant for exaggeration and over-the-top gestures, especially when it came to mimicking his wife. As the food disappeared rapidly from the plates, he began to engage in a comical charade, miming exaggerated gestures to convey that it was time to 'talk'.

The couple exchanged dramatic nods and playful winks, turning the situation into a hilarious performance, a reflection of the close bond they shared. Their connection was evident, having mastered the art of communicating without words, often amusing themselves with their playful antics.

Amid this delightful chaos, Vatsal, however, was unusually quiet. His silence stood in stark contrast to the jovial atmosphere that his friends had created. His mind was preoccupied with a heavy burden. His father's unconventional demand hung over him like a dark cloud.

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