
Start from the beginning

amara had often been a rather subdued person when it came to boys; they were well outside of her comfort zone. this was due to her extremely low self esteem due to years of being the least attractive friend of her friend group in her teen years. this wasn't to say she wasn't attractive, but compared to her friends she found herself to be less than. so deciding that she was going to start connecting more with dave and even flirting with him was out of character for her. but it was a decision she needed to make as she wanted to have no regrets.

so as she stared out into the distance, with her friends and siblings arguing around her, she just thought of every possible conversation she could have with him. she thought about how she would speak to him properly because ever since he went over to her house they haven't met in person. so to sum up, amara was really nervous.

location: dave's house, london

"do you know where dave is? i want to speak to him." amara said as she entered, asking a mutual friend as she passed them.

"ooooohhh" her sisters and roommates teased while smirking. they kept making kissy faces and ignoring amara's piercing glares.

"i just need to talk to him and say hi to him. i can't come to his house and not say hi. it would be wrong." amara stated though it was hard to believe she believed herself.

"yeah sure, that's the only reason why you want to know where he is." jasmine joked teasingly, but her smirk dropped when she made eye contact with marcus, "listen i know we're supposed to-"

"go to him babes. i'll be fine." amara whispered to her friend, squeezing her hand.

"you're actually the best. and also don't think i didn't notice you hyping yourself in the mirror, i know you're gonna tell him how you feel. trust me he'll say the same. the way he looks at you tells me enough."

" thank you jas. i'll tell you how it goes with me and you tell me how it's going with you?"

"sure, i'll see you later."

as amara waded her way through the clusters and groups of people all around david's house, she finally caught sight of him and made a beeline towards him. she could see he was preoccupied, already talking to someone else, so she mentally prepared herself for having to speak to him in person; and if the time was right confess her feelings ( provided she have a few drinks in her system of course ).

when she finally saw the green light to talk to him, she made her way to him and noticed...

"ruby? what the fuck are you doing here?!" amara slightly yelled, causing the brunette in front of her to jump and raise her eyebrows.

"amara hey listen we need to-" ruby attempted at keeping the peace although it was all in vain.

"we don't need to do shit."

"wait you guys know each other?

"yeah we know each other. how do you two know each other?"

"i asked you first."

"so what? i asked you second."

"ok you know what yeah? i don't know what your problem is-"

"MY PROBLEM?! i'll tell you what my problem is."

"we met around a week ago-"

'a week ago... omg thats when he was being flirty to me. well i think he was being flirty,' amara thought ( dw girl he was being flirty hes just being silly ) , "did i ask you? didnt think so."

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