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location: safa-sinclair house, manchester

amara was spending time with her mother in her favourite way, baking with her. they chose to make muna's famous basbousa ( i acc love basbousa ) and watching real housewives of atlanta while amara also caught her mother up with everything that was happening in her life.

this was in fact her favourite pass time and although amara was often critical of her mother's parenting techniques when she was younger she couldn't ignore the fact that they had an incredibly strong bond. it was like they found each other incredibly irritating but couldn't imagine a life without each other.

"so oakley said david likes you? i don't see how this is a bad thing? this is good, no?"

"no mama it's not a good thing! and oakley didn't say that dave likes me he said that he finds me attractive."

"الفرق شنو؟ "
( what's the difference? ) her mother questioned.

she also thought that david and amara seemed well matched although they didn't show it. she admired their ability to go back and forth and it often reminded her of herself and tyler. however, that isn't to say that she thought they liked each other, in fact she knew that it was the opposite and the two had a strong dislike for each other but she saw the potential.

she wasn't the only person to do so, in fact she had a bet running with her husband as for how long the two will get together, and her and david's mother often talked about how they saw potential in the two and they wished that they'd end up together but were sure it was just wishful thinking.

"mama الفرق (the difference) is that if you find someone attractive it doesn't mean you like them. فهمتني "
(do you understand).

"amara what happened to your arabic. what is this arablish?!"

"i just haven't practised and please don't change the topic."

"right sorry ( ! )" muna held up her hands in defence sarcastically and slightly rolled her eyes at her daughter.

"thing is i know it's not true because i've aren't the type of girls he likes and they look nothing to me. i mean it doesn't matter anyways because i don't like him."

"you can't say that about someone nia."
( her mum calls her nia short for rania- her middle name ).

"well it's true i don't like him. never have. never will."

"ok sorry i was wrong. i mean if you're still confused you could ask oakley and i'm sure he could explain it to you."

"thanks mama that's a great idea. but i have a question: do you agree with him?"

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