Ellie gave a snort.

"I want to get stronger." Scott raised his head and locked eyes with his boyfriend's sister. "I wasn't able to do anything to prevent your dad from getting hurt last week. I feel like it was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this." He practically begged.

Derek sighed. "Look. I am what I am because of my parents. I've been this way since birth. You were bitten. It'll take you longer to learn. Peter will be able to teach you way better than I ever could once he is back to 100%. For now, you just have to deal with me."

Scott looked down sheepishly. "It's just... Seems like you don't want to teach me. Doesn't even seem like you want to have anything to do with me. Like I'm a burden."

Derek's brow pinched and he sighed heavily.

"You aren't a burden, Scott. I'm not... I am not used to having people around me who care or who I care for back. It's taking time for me to get used to it." Derek closed his eyes. "I haven't had a pack in nearly seven years. And now I have it again. It's amazing, but I'm unused to it." He confessed.

Scott's mood lifted, and if he had a tail, Ellie would bet money it would be wagging right now.

It was quiet for a moment.

"The first key to learning control? Find an anchor. Something to tie you down. To keep your humanity in check. Learning how to shift to Beta and back without losing it. Even just shifting your claws. You need to actually try. Practice." Derek turned and began to guide Ellie towards where he had parked his Camaro.

Scott scurried after them. "But I'm scared! I don't want to hurt anyone."

Derek paused. "Face that fear head on, Scott. Don't let it control you." He said before continuing on, hands on Ellies shoulders as he turned her.

"Wait!" Scott called. "What's your anchor?"

Derek froze. He glanced over his shoulder. "It used to be anger. Then Ellie came along." With those words, he continued on.

Ellie spun around, walking backwards and peering around Derek's side. "Make sure to go grab the groceries!" She called with a wide grin before turning back and letting Derek guide her to his heart's content. She unscrewed her milk and sipped at it, letting out a hum of satisfaction.


Ellie frowned down at the list she had. Peter had sent her and Stiles out to this book store a few towns over. A store specifically for the supernatural community.

Nearly his entire collection had been destroyed in the fire. He still had a few of the really important books and tomes in the Hale Vault, but he wanted to start collecting once more. It would be needed for protecting Beacon Hills.

All they had to do was hand this list to the clerk, and they would go to the 'special' section in the back for what they wanted.

As she waited patiently for the kind woman who owned the store to collect the books, she was browsing the rest of the store, looking for anything that might catch her eye.

The sound of books hitting the ground had Ellie closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

She turned slowly and raised a brow. Stiles stood to her right like a deer in the headlights. He had his hand held out, finger poking the air above a small cart. On the floor before it, was a pile of tipped over books.


Ellie sighed. "Just... Pick them up, Stiles. Don't touch anything. Jesus. I can't take you anywhere." She muttered.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now