Chapter 34: Failure

Start from the beginning

All eyes and all wands turned towards them. Hermione felt so ashamed to have led Orience and Soane into such a mess! The light made it impossible for them to move because they would slip their hoods, and they would die because of her. She should have listened to Soane and let Neville carry out his mission like a grown-up, instead of thinking herself useful by jumping into the lion's den with no plan or caution.
- Show yourself or we'll kill you on the spot,» ordered a Death Eater.

A knot blocked his throat, preventing the slightest sound from coming out. It was the end, it seemed, a sad end. All that effort to end up killed at the Ministry of Magic, hit by a hundred avada kedavra at the same time.

Hermione discreetly cast a temporary invisibility spell on the cup. It was all she could do. Then, with trembling hands, she grasped the edges of her hood, ready to pull it down and receive the death spell. She could already see her name and photo disappearing from the big list.
- Whatever happens, you must stay hidden,» Draco's voice whispered in her ear.

Her heart, which until then had stopped beating before its time, jumped painfully in her chest, suddenly awake. She saw a man walk past her, dressed in the same black cloak, his hood still pulled down over his head; but, even with his back to her and masked by his clothing, she could have recognised him in a thousand others.

- The three of them are with me,» he said, addressing the crowd. Put away your wands and get back to work.

The Death Eaters exchanged hesitant glances, not knowing who they were dealing with.

- I'm a senior member of the Ministry,» a man's voice rose and he made his way to the newcomer. And who are you to dare give orders here?
Draco let his hood fall back, and the whole crowd recoiled, followed by bowed heads.
- Mr Malfoy,» greeted the man who had spoken, bowing his head in turn. Forgive my arrogance, I didn't know who you were.
- Get back to work,» Draco repeated simply.
- Certainly, Sir. Nevertheless... it's my duty to check on these intruders. I apologise, I have no choice.

Draco stared at him for a long time, saying nothing. The man seemed to regret his words a little more every second.
- Those three people are vampires,» Draco admitted. They're protecting themselves from the light that would kill them, and that's why they won't show themselves. Just know that they are here to serve our Lord. On the other hand...

Draco gave a bloodcurdling smile.

- ... Since you are so keen to fulfil your duty, I invite you to see for yourself.

The Minister stiffened, then swallowed hard. The tone of the 'invitation' apparently left him no choice, and he walked towards the three figures, cursing himself inwardly. Hermione watched him walk past her, then stop a few inches from Orience. Trembling from head to foot, the man approached the perfectly still creature, whose face, completely hidden in the hood, gave the impression of an infinite and terrifying void. Everyone was staring at him, creating an eerie silence. He poked his head a little further inside the thick black bonnet to discern even one facial feature that would confirm the nature of what was hiding behind this garment, and then felt a hoarse breath brush his cheek. The man didn't realise the danger until it was too late and didn't have time to react. As he stepped back, two glowing sparks came to life a few centimetres from his exorbitant eyes. Two sharp points shot towards him and embedded themselves in the skin of his neck. Blood drained, the body fell to the ground with a thud.

- Is there anyone else here who would like to call me a liar?" said Draco in an authoritative voice.The followers of evil lowered their heads again, bowing to Voldemort's right-hand man.- Please, Mr Malfoy, forgive our disrespect," another Death Eater hastened to say. It won't happen again.- Clean this up," ordered Draco, pointing to the corpse. And in future, just do as you're told.- Absolutely! You won't have to worry about that any more. Get back to work, you lot! Faster than that! You, get that idiot out of here and get those tiles back in order!Draco was already striding across the opposite corridor and Hermione had to run to keep up. Orience and Soane were walking beside him, and the three of them didn't need to communicate to think the same thing: to be on their guard against the dangerous man in front of them.They entered the last office on the right, and Draco closed the door after them.- Expelliarmus!

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