The dark alley corner

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Request by @octium (for the ship, not theme)

I know I ended this book, but I decided to accept this one request.🩵
Sorry for doing this so late...I completely forgot about it.
Su Moting lived with the two gods at her apartment. For her, it was now a normal thing, living casually like it was nothing. But even though they were gods, could they really protect her? She didn't really care about that, as she could defend herself easily with a smack. However, this time, she wasn't prepared at all, and realised she's weaker than she thought.
Ting woke up in the weekend the usual way - by Tianji's face.

"Ting! Morning! Your package has arrived!" , he hovered a box above her head.

"Thanks, I guess..." , she replied, still not fully awake.

She hid herself under the bedspread, trying to get more sleep, but Tianji pulled it down, revealing Ting's adorable sleepy face. He blushed a little, but brushed it off as he was still about to make her get up.
Of course, once he finally managed to persuade her, he cooked breakfast, for both Ting and Dikui, and then sat in Ting's purse as she took him to the store.
It was a casual thing, being with her almost at every step in her life ever since he'd met her, he's her mobile phone after all, that's a necessity you can't leave at home just like that. He sometimes felt like a child if a mother, as he was always carried around everywhere, protected by being hidden in the purse, not being able to see anything.
But this time, it was different.
After a pretty much average day of just rotting in the apartment, just like Ting liked it, she decided to finally get her ass up and go outside for a walk. Alone, of course, and also Tianji. She thought of not taking him with her, as the streets are safe at most part, but she made a good decision by ignoring that thought. She left the house and went on to walk for a pretty long distance. She didn't know what has gotten into her, but she just needed some relaxing, alone time. Technically, she wasn't alone, with Tianji being in her purse, but he didn't hear or see anything, so it was like carrying a blind and deaf child. As she turned a corner in an alley she didn't know well, a group of men dressed in dark clothes met her eyes unexpectedly. They were smoking and talking, until she appeared. She wanted to go another way, but she already got the men's attention. Oh well, just a bunch of weirdos, she thought. But as they approached her, something felt off.

"Hey young lady, do you have any cash on you? A couple of Yuan, hm?" , one of the men got closer than the others.

"Don't worry, I don't bite! Just give me some money and you'll be of very good help..." , he said next, getting even closer.

Ting's been met with many situations like this one, so it wasn't much of a threat.

"No, sorry, I don't have any on me." , she answered, quickly passing them.

But she didn't even manage to get to the other men, as the man grabbed her by the shirt collar and dragged her to himself. She lost balance, and fell to the floor, the purse emptying itself as it fell to the ground. One of the other things that hit the ground was her phone - Tianji. Ting got scared not by the man, but by his fall, making it a rough one, as there was a small crack seen from the corner of her eye. The man was about to punch her, but she blocked it by kicking her legs in the air like a child. Usually, such childish attacks helped her win these types of conflicts, but this time, it wasn't enough. The man was suddenly holding a knife, which now finally awakened the fear inside Ting.
And that's where he launched his hand at her.
She closed her eyes, not knowing what to do, but came back to her senses seconds later as the hit didn't happen. She slowly opened her eyes and before her...stood Tianji. The knife in his shoulder, blood dripping from it. She covered her mouth in shock and disbelief, at the sight of him protecting her.
The man luckily gave up, as he felt somehow threatened and the group walked away.

"Screw you!" , he yelled, that being his last sentence.

Ting stared at Tianji, who was bleeding, but thankfully not too much. Tianji turned around and held out his hand to help Ting up.

"Are you okay? " , he asked worriedly, a cut showing on his face, representing the crack in his phone form.

"Yeah...but I should be the one asking you if you're okay! Your shoulder..." , she looked at it.

It wasn't a deep stab wound, but she worried about him a lot. Not because he was her phone, but because...
She stopped thinking of that as he ran his hand through her hair, fixing it slightly. He then wiped the dirt off her face as he smiled, blushing a bit.

"Don't worry about me, I'm glad you're okay!" , he said, relieved.

Ting blushed at the caring smile Tianji had. Without thinking properly, she got a sudden urge she didn't realise she had. For a while now.
She got closer and leaned in, standing on her toe tips because she was too short. And she gave him a kiss.

"Thank you..."

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